Questions tagged [google-analytics]

Google Analytics is a free web analytics solution that uses JavaScript to send data. Use for questions only about implementing the JavaScript portion. Questions related to Google Analytics data or usage should be submitted to

With Google Analytics, you can see where your traffic comes from, how users interact with your content, and measure revenue from sales, ads, and other conversions. Google Analytics is a highly customizable solution that integrates with other Google products and services, like AdWords and BigQuery, as well as 3rd party tools and apps. You can also use Google Analytics as the basis for your own custom tools or use it to integrate with your own existing data sources.

Collection APIs & SDKs

Set up Google Analytics to collect data from websites, mobile apps, and other data sources:

Configuration APIs

Programmatically manage your Google Analytics accounts, users, and data:.

Reporting APIs

Retrieve your data and create custom reports:

Demos & Tools

Developers to discover what's possible with the Google Analytics Platform. Explore what’s possible and learn how to build powerful and flexible applications with the Google Analytics Demos & Tools.

More links:

19614 questions
32 answers

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

Context: I'm trying to set up Google Analytics for my app. (having 4 custom buildTypes and more than a few productFlavors) It works fine when I select the Build Variant which has the applicationId set to (the package name…
12 answers

Can you test google analytics on a localhost address?

I have to test out my new GA account on my local machine. Will this work just by copying the standard snippet supplied by Google onto the page ? I don't want to spend 24 hours waiting to see if it will or won't work.
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20 answers

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?

I'm on a quest to reach 100/100 on PageSpeed and i'm almost there. I'm trying to find a good solution to cache Google Analytics. Here is the message I get: Leverage browser caching Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for…
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21 answers

Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with AngularJS

I'm setting up a new app using AngularJS as the frontend. Everything on the client side is done with HTML5 pushstate and I'd like to be able to track my page views in Google Analytics.
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8 answers

How to delete a property from Google Analytics

I want to delete a test property from Google Analytics, but there is no delete option on the property page. Does anyone know how to delete a property from Google Analytics?
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10 answers

How to add Google Analytics Tracking ID to GitHub Pages

Could be a simple question but I am full of doubts right now about adding Google Analytics Tracking ID to GitHub page. I am using GitHub automatic page generator to create my GitHub page but it asks for "Google Analytics Tracking ID". I tried to…
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6 answers

Which browsers support