Questions tagged [application-cache]

The Application Cache (or AppCache), part of HTML5, allows a developer to specify which files the web browser should cache and make available to offline users. Your app will load and work correctly, even if the user presses the refresh button while they're offline.

Application Cache is an obsolete part of HTML5:

Do not use it in old or new projects. Pages or Web apps using it may break at any time. It's in the process of being removed from the Web platform. Use Service Workers instead.


207 questions
5 answers

MDN javascript docs for offline use

I am trying to make MDN's Javascript Reference available for offline browsing (personal use). I am not the website's owner nor developer, and I can only access its generated output. My first thought was to inject an HTML5 appcache.manifest in the…
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4 answers

Application Cache or Service Workers - which to use in 2016/Q2?

Quick question for discussion really, as I wanted to have input from different people. I am in the process of developing a web page app that must be available offline. Now to do this, as I understand it, you would go about using either the…
6 answers

Mobile Safari 5mb HTML5 application cache limit?

It's becoming evident in my testing that there's a 5mb size limit on Mobile Safari's implementation of HTML5's application cache. Does anyone know how to circumvent or raise this? Is there some unexposed meta tag that I should know about? I have…
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13 answers

HTML5 - cache manifest working great on Chrome but not on Firefox and Opera

I am developing a web app for offline use, thus I need to use the application cache functionality. Everything works great on Chrome (15.0.874.106) but is doesn't work on Firefox (7.0.1) and Opera (11.52). This is my cache manifest file…
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2 answers

Manifest fetch failed (9)

I've been working with Appcache for quite some time, but I recently took a couple of weeks to develop a different project. When I returned to my offline project, I started getting this error every time I try to download the contents of my…
5 answers

Force applicationCache to reload cached files

I'm using the HTML5 applicationCache to store many Javascript, CSS, image, etc. files for a page. If I update one of those files, the browser never reloads it. I have tried the following: Calling applicationCache.update() on page load Listening…
Ben Dilts
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1 answer

iPad Home Screen App refreshes on every open

I'm writing a web app for the iPad using HTML5 and SenchaTouch. The app uses cache manifest to function offline. Once it has been added in the home screen and opened without Safari, it will refresh itself every time it is opened, even if just…
1 answer

Cache Manifest: What is the prefer-online setting?

I've been looking for a way to cache pages for use only when the user is offline, otherwise download the pages normally. However, once a cache manifest is detected, the browser will only load from those cached pages. My search landed me on…
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3 answers

Pre-populate HTML5 offline appcache for a UIWebView in an iOS application

Is it possible to create a UIWebView that has an HTML5 offline appcache pre-populated so that it will work offline even if it is the first time the user is accessing the UIWebView? If so, how? I know I can achieve this through other mechanisms, but…
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1 answer

AppCache Manifest Error

Edit: I had to remove some links. My manifest page seems to be causing errors on my web page. When you first go to the page everything appears to cache successfully, but upon refresh it fails to get files that exist. I made a quick test page to…
Crystal Miller
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2 answers

Enable Application cache in WKWebView

I am aware that offline application cache is not supported in iOS WKWebView. This is enabled in Safari, so I searched webkit project for the responsible code & found this WKPreferences -…
Clement Prem
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6 answers

Is swapCache() required in HTML5 offline apps?

If I don't implement any updateready event handler and don't call swapCache(), does that mean that the browser will always use the first (oldest) downloaded version of the application? If no, then why is the swapCache() method needed?
Jaka Jančar
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2 answers

Purge and update html5 application cache through javascript

I arrive to this problem quite a lot of times, where some of the users have a corrupt application cache (HTML 5). I do update the manifest file every time there is a new release still some times some users get a corrupt application cache. I such a…
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2 answers

HTML5 cache manifest: unsuccessful ajax calls getting fallback

I've got an HTML5 application which uses a cache manifest to provide offline functionality. This application makes ajax calls, when online, and some of this calls can obtain a 403 unauthorized in response. Here's the bottom of my cache.manifest…
Jonathan Naguin
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1 answer

How to use/create a MANIFEST, handle appCache events/errors and the use of swapCache

How do you use and create a MANIFEST file (structure), handle appCache events and errors, and when is swapCache needed?
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