Questions tagged [azure-function-app]

A function app is the container that hosts the execution of individual functions in the serverless framework Azure Functions.

A function app is the container that hosts the execution of individual functions in the framework.

Create a function app from the Azure portal

619 questions
2 answers

'func' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Keep getting the error 'func' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. when entering func into the cmd command line, when following this tutorial I have installed python (3.7.3) and all the correct…
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3 answers

How to use IOptions pattern in Azure Function V3 using .NET Core

My requirement is to read values from local.settings.json using IOptions pattern My localsettings.json: { "IsEncrypted": false, "Values": { "MyOptions:MyCustomSetting": "Foobar", "MyOptions:DatabaseName": "Confirmed", …
2 answers

Azure Function App Could not load System.IO.Pipelines connecting to Redis

Created a new Function App, HTTP trigger in VS2019 (16.8.3) to connect to Azure Cache for Redis. Added StackExchange.Redis 2.2.4 from nuget. local.settings.json contains the key/value of RedisConnectionFromKeyVault and the Primary Connection String…
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2 answers

Understanding of Azure Functions Premium Plan Billing

I've been reading various documentation around this and was not able to clearly confirm my understanding, we are evaluating Azure Functions Premium Plan and want to have a clearer understanding on the costs. My understanding is as follows: In a…
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Function app misbehaving when upgraded to netcoreapp3.1 and functions v3

I'm investigating a weird behaviour happening on a function app deployed on Azure on a dedicated app service plan. When upgrading to netcore3.1 and Functions V3 the app starts erroring on connections to the SQL DB as the DTUs limit gets hit. The…
3 answers

System.Private.Uri: Value cannot be null error with Azure Function

I created a C# Azure Function in Visual Studio Code. When I run the function in Visual Studio Code, I get the following error: [8/21/2020 1:27:34 AM] A host error has occurred during startup operation…
wonderful world
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Why is my python timer trigger function not running at the correct time?

this is probably a noob question. I have an Azure Function that responds to HTTP requests and it works fine, I can call it from a browser or from a Python 3.8 script. I want to make another function that will have Timer Trigger and will call the…
1 answer

Dependency Injection failing in Azure function once deployed but works locally

I have a class which has a public constructor which takes SqlConnection as parameter. private readonly SqlConnection _sqlConnection; public Sample(SqlConnection sqlConnection) { _sqlConnection = sqlConnection; } In Startup file I am trying to…
0 answers

Deploying Azure Function App in CI intermittently changes function key

I'm using an Azure DevOps release pipeline to deploy an Azure function app using an ARM template with an Azure resource group deployment and Azure App Service Deploy tasks. The problem I have is the function access keys change intermittently, which,…
3 answers

How to call an Azure Function App API with Easy-Auth Enables using Active Directory from a C# Client

I have an Azure Function App with Azure Active Directory configured but when I call if from my client I keep getting an Unauthorized response. I have tried a couple different scenarios but nothing worked. Below is a snippet of the last bit of code…
1 answer

Why is my EF Core DbContext not bound by DI?

I have an Azure Function App with a function that runs on a blob trigger. I've proven that this function can run through the Azure Portal and responds to this blob trigger without issues... or at least it did. Now that I've added functionality which…
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3 answers

Azure Function App - How to obtain the Invoke Url and code

I've created and successfully tested a Function App that requires the .net Framework because of a legacy library, and is set to use run-time version ~1. I'm looking for the Invoke Url and code, to help automate deployment. Following this MS article…
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Azure Function App with .NET Framework + MARS (Multiple Active Record Sets)

We have a v1 Azure Function App. It has to be v1 because our client insists on .NET Framework as their organisation has familiarity with Framework and has not migrated to .NET Core. Our architect has stipulated that MARS (Multiple Active Record…
1 answer

python packages are not installed throughCI/CD pipelines,import error , package not found

Introduction and Explaination i am trying deploy my code to azure function app (linux based , python code ) through CI.CD pipelines. at first it worked fine but after few deployments, i am import error , library not found . and when i check the…
2 answers

New deployed azure function returns 404 Not Found error

Hey I have deployed new azure function using Azure dev ops CI/CD. The function app has been deployed successfully and when I go to the main URL, it says your function app is running. I tried to test the end points("/save") using azure portal and…
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