Questions tagged [api-gateway]

A service which acts as a gateway for many other services. Providing discovery, registry, security, circuit breaker, fault tolerance among other things.

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836 questions
3 answers

Websockets in microservices architecture

Let's say we have a notification service which read an event from message queue and notify all web clients in real time. I know how web socket work but i am puzzled when there is an API gateway in between then how web socket connection is maintained…
Vipul Goyal
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2 answers

AWS Lambda Task timed out after 6.00 seconds

I am using serverless framework. My Lambda function connects to DynamoDB table for updating item in table. Read & Write capacity units of table are 5 & auto_scaling is disabled. AWS Lambda function has 128MB memory allocated. I have used Jmeter for…
2 answers

API Gateway responding with a status of 0, Integration latency 10000ms

Here's the error I got back from my API Gateway autogenerated javascript SDK. { "data": "", "status": 0, "statusText": "", "headers": { }, "config": { "method": "POST", "headers": { …
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3 answers

Is there a comprehensive comparison between Tyk vs Kong?

I have been developing microservices (Spring Cloud) for a while (~2 years) and heavily used Netflix Zuul. While it offers a lot of functionalities and great features, my developer mind wandered towards knowing about the alternatives and came to know…
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ASP.NET Core Api-Gateway middleware

I am new to API gateways and have a question of understanding. I try too put a series of (micro)services behind an endpoint. For this purpose, I have set up an ASP.NET Core Application and added the package ThreeMammals Ocelot. With the help of…
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1 answer

Netflix-Zuul vs Mashape-Kong

Both Zuul and kong serve as a good API gateway layer in a microservices architecture. What are some important differences between these two?
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4 answers

API Gateway Proxy for S3 with subdirectories

I created an API Gateway method GET with integration type "AWS Service" for "S3". I defined a Path override: {object} that is mapped from method.request.path.item As long as the path contains only the bucket itself (./bucket/mybucketname), it…
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3 answers

What is Upstream and Downstream services in a Micro-service based architecture?

I have heard of the terms "Upstream Services" and "Downstream Services" in general terms but i came across some articles on micro-service architecture where they have used these terms , however i wasn't able to get what an upstream and downstream…
Shubham Tiwari
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3 answers

How to Specify custom filter in application.yml Spring Cloud Gateway

I have a custom gateway filter file now i want to use this gateway filter with my route written in application.yml spring: cloud: gateway: routes: - id: login2_route uri: …
1 answer

Is there a difference between API gateway pattern and BFF?

My understanding is that API gateway pattern is like a proxy to all microservices. So client calls the API gateway which takes care of further routing. BFF is a specific case of API gateway pattern where we have a routing mechanism for each type of…
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1 answer

Zuul Deployment in Kubernetes

This is my first time trying to deploy a microservices architecture into Kubernetes. At the beginning, I was considering to use Ambassador as my API Gateway. I also have an authentication service which validates users and generates a JWT token,…
Carlos Gomez
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2 answers

API Gateway Caching vs CloudFront

I'm a bit confused by how API Gateway and CloudFront work together. Ultimately, I want to be able to have a custom header and value be considered part of my cache key. I know this can be done by whitelisting (if I'm using CloudFront). So when I make…
3 answers

What are the option to API gateway with docker?

I've created several RESTful microservices and dockerized them. Now I want to have a web-based UI for them and the ability to create users and grant permissions to them to use some of the APIs. I know that I need some kind of API gateway. My first…
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1 answer

Aggregation of data on API Gateway

I am working on microservice architecture and I want to aggregate data from two microservices. For example, Frontend calls the API Gateway and API Gateway calls two microservices Customer and Order microservices. Customer microservice returns…
1 answer

How to properly use express-gateway for authentication of a web app?

I am fairly new to the concept of microservices and api gateways in general. I am trying to understand the role that an api gateway plays in a modern web application using many microservices. I have been reading the documentation and tutorials of…
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