Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

Useful reference

636 questions
0 answers

How do I use a simple button in a co-ordinator layout such that the button hides on scroll down and shows up on scroll up?

I wanted to have a simple button inside a co-ordinator layout such that when I scroll down the nested scrollview the button musy hide and on scrolling up I must be able to view the button again. How do I achieve that. I googled a lot, but I got…
1 answer

CollapsingToolbarLayout collapsed with nested scrollview by default

I don't understand why my CollapsingToolbar layout is collapsed when my view is created by default. I think this the NestedScrollView the responsible but i don't no why. This make me crazy. My activity layout : …
0 answers

How can I hide Relativelayout on scroll of Linear Layout

Following is my code Now I want to hide RelativeLayoput On Scroll of NestedScroll I did it but view fluctuating with this : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.RelativeLayout{4f3557b V.E..…
1 answer

Nested Scroll View Scrolling Issue

I have a horizontal recycler view inside vertical nested scroll view. Everything works fine until there is no item inside recycler view once item added inside recycler view the scroll view starts lagging(not scrolling smoothly) I have tried almost…
1 answer

CoordinatorLayout + NestedScrolling Custom Behaviour for Grand-Child

I'm trying to act on Scroll Events inside(!) a (Nested)Scrollview. I have an Item inside a Scrollview that i want to "peek" (translate to visible screen area) for a few sec if it's not initially visible in the scrollview/screen. But as soon as the…
4 answers

Can't scroll ListView in its parent NestedScrollView - Android

I am using ListView within NestedScrollView, but can't see more than 1 item in ListView. I can scroll upto the end of TextView (textContact) but can't scroll within the ListView (listContact). Here's the code for .xml File :
1 answer

Prevent FloatingActionButton became visible within CoordinatorLayout, ViewPager, Fragment

I have implemented a ViewPager and a FloatingActionButton within a CoordinatorLayout. The FloatingActionButton have a layout_behavior set to custom ScrollAwareFABBehavior. On swiping pager, the fab changes visibillity (animation) successfully and as…
1 answer

Strange behavior with nestedScrollView inside a viewPager

I have 3 fragments, each using a nestedScrollView, inside a viewPager. Every time I switch between one, the nestedScrollView scrolls underneath the appBar. I think it could be a problem with where I set up certain views during the InfoFragment's…
0 answers

Swippable behavior of tabs not working when using NestedScrollView?

I am trying to learn Material Design, I am trying to make a layout like current layout of Whatsapp home screen It all works fine i had set up my tabs and also able to make swipe layout in tabs, now when i tried to make AppBarLayout exit the screen…
1 answer

Content layout xml double heigth size inside a NestedScrollView

I have a Coordinator layout in activity xml and an include layout that have a content layout xml. Like this:
2 answers

RecyclerView extra empty gap between items

1.i just implemented some recyclerviews, some of their items have extra empty space. this space sometimes disappears after some scrolling. i have tried every way you could think! i have changed heights to wrap content but still issue exists! here…
1 answer

CollapsingToolbarLayout and blank space in NestedScrollView

I have a problem with the CollapsingToolbarLayout. I don't want to scroll the NestedScrollView to the end because it leaves a lot of blank space if content, text in my case, is short. Here are screenshots: And: Here's…
1 answer

NestedScrollView not showing last cardView with CoordinatorLayout & CollapsingToolbarLayout

I set up a CoordinatorLayout with a AppBarLayout and a CollapsingToolbarLayout, everything works fine, in this part. Under the AppBarLayout I put a NestedScrollView but when I scroll to the end I can see only half of the last cardview.…
0 answers

Is it possible to create a custom view for Android which extends different classes depending on the API of the device running it?

I am creating a custom view which extends ScrollView. In this view I need nested scrolling so, in my current approach, I'm actually extending to support older versions because attribute…
0 answers

NestedScrollView not scrolling

Ok so I have a global CoordinatorLayout with the following layout content_main is a FrameLayout that fragments are transacted into. For this particular fragment I have a requirement of placing a TabLayout at a certain % of screenheight, so I went…