Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

Useful reference

636 questions
1 answer

RecyclerViews inside NestesScrollView

I want to place two RecyclerViews inside a NestedScrollView where all items of each RecyclerView should be displayed: Desired: Current: --------------------- --------------------- Fixed Header content Fixed Header…
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RecyclerVIew is not recycling CardView containing images and text inside NestedScrollView

I am using 3 recyclerView inside a nestedScrolView, first 2 are GridView and the 3rd one is LinearLayout. Now as I am scrolling through few items 3rd recycler view shows laggy behavior, and I have a hunch that items are not recycled. And I think…
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putting scrollable content with webview . Is there a solution?

I am searching from fews days about how to put WebView inside NestedSrollView but there is not a single correct solution . Putting WebView inside NestedScrollView has incorrect height issue . Is there any way to put views like textview , imageview…
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Recycler View inside Nested Scroll View not displayed completely

Recycler view contents are not completely shown which is inside nested scroll view. I have gone through all possible solutions suggested but none turned out to be helpful. XML Layout is below:
3 answers

Listview not show last item properly in scroll view

I am trying to implement listview inside scrollview or nestedscroll view but my list dose not visible last item properly . please help me. how to visible all item properly here is my code
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Fragment NestedScrollview is not scrolling

I have used NestedScrollView in my code Like below xml file
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Issue with scrolling content on CollapsingToolbarLayout and NestedScrollView

I'm having issues with the content frame content not scrolling with the use of CollapsingToolbarLayout. Is there a way that I han have a scrollable content pane with the CollapsingToolbarLayout? Tried using NestedScrollView with no…
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Nestscrollview not working

Hi In CollapsingToolbar nested scroll not working and not collapse toolbar in android
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Recyclerview along with other views Strange Behaviour

I have recyclerview along with other cardview inside a NestedScrollView Here is the complete xml
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How to hide Toolbar when scroll PreferenceFragment?

In my Android app, I want to hide the Toolbar when I scroll the PreferenceFragment. Here is my layout:
1 answer

Android nested scrollview anchored to AppBArLayout

So, I have a situation, I need to create something like this: Where white background view is nested view, and the image with all the elements is in the appbar. Now, I managed to create it without NestedScrollView being over the AppbarLayout, but…
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Android -FAB Behaviour with half list

I have the FAB working when recyclerview has enough items to scroll, but i need to handle the case when recyclerview does not scroll (the total of items do not cover the screen). At the moment this is how I handle the scroll: public class…
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RecyclerView doesnot scroll when not nested in NestedScrollView but is in the same LinearLayout

I am using the following layout, but unable to get the RecyclerView to scroll(it is not visible on the screen when using this layout, scrolling stops till the NestedScrollView). I can scroll up to the NestedScrollView and the CollapsingToolbar to…
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How to place static positioned button in a co-ordinator layout such that contents don't overlap?

I have created a co-ordinator layout which has an Appcompat button placed at the bottom. I also have a relative layout inside that co-ordinator layout which is inside a nested scroll view. Output I am getting is like the fixed button overlaps the…