I wanted to have a simple button inside a co-ordinator layout such that when I scroll down the nested scrollview the button musy hide and on scrolling up I must be able to view the button again. How do I achieve that. I googled a lot, but I got stuffs relevant to floating button, I am not using the floatingactionbutton. I am using the simple Button. So, how do I achieve my aim? Please help me out guys! Regards, Thanks.

  • do you want a callback of scrolling end point (top and bottom) ? – umerk44 Oct 14 '16 at 11:28
  • Thanks for replying. I did not get you. I have created a layout with collapsing toolbar and also a button that remains at the bottom of that page throughout the layout. But what I need now is, to make that button only visible on scroll up. – Avinash Jaiswal Oct 14 '16 at 12:53

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