Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

Useful reference

636 questions
3 answers

RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView onBindViewHolder calling for all getItemCount size

When I put RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView then onBindViewHolder is calling for all row like say I have list which has size of 30 then onBindViewHolder is called for all 30 rows at one time even without scrolling RecyclerView list; …
0 answers

How to let NestedScrollView scroll in MotionLayout?

I have a NestedScrollView in MotionLayout once Motion Scene is ended then NestedScrollView is visible but when i try scrolling the view no event's are going to NestedScrollView. Video of Requirement Layout xml:
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Prevent scrolls in Bottom Sheet ancestor view

I have a CoordinatorLayout containing two NestedScrollViews, One has ScrollingViewBehavior and the other has BottomSheetBehavior and plays BottomSheet role, The problem is when I drag the BottomSheet, The first NestedScrollView scrolls too : …
3 answers

Scroll to Collapse View without Toolbar

I'm making a layout similar to recent android's status bar. I have two Views inside container. ViewPager and RecyclerView. The default behavior should be that when I scroll RecyclerView, I want ViewPager to decrease in size and vice…
6 answers

Android Nested Scrollview not scrolling

I am having a Nested ScrollView which contains contents inside a Linear Layout.
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2 answers

Part of the content of a CollapsingToolbarLayout is getting sticky on top, when used with viewpager and recyclerview

I am trying to implement a layout like this: The issue is that when scrolling up the card touches the toolbar and it does not go up anymore like this: I want it to scroll up till the viewpager to fills the screen ie, at least the rectangle…
5 answers

Stop scroll of parent (NestedScrollview) When scrolling Child(RecyclerView)

I need behavior similar to this implementation But NestedScrollView would be the parent and RecyclerView would be the child of would NestedScrollView . Eg:…
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3 answers

NestedScrollView with webView only scrolling NestedScrollView

Below is my code to handle the correct behaviour of my apps actionBar/toolbar/tabBar and nestedScrollView with a ViewPager (webView) inside it. The ViewPager is basically a normal webView. Everything works fine except my ViewPager can't be scrolled…
1 answer

SwipeRefreshLayout is not intercepting the MotionEvent of the NestedScrollingChild

I am using a NestedScrollWebView (heavily influenced by the NestedScrollView), which solves many of the known issues associated with using a WebView in a CoordinatorLayout.
4 answers

Saving scroll state of NestedScrollView

My application revolves around a HomeActivity which contains 4 tabs at the bottom. Each of these tabs is a fragment, all of them are added (not replaced) from the start, and they are hidden/shown upon tapping the appropriate tab. My problem is that…
Julian Honma
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Use PagedListAdapter inside NestedScrollView

I have a RecyclerView that has a PagedListAdapter. When I put the RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView the PagedList cannot compute the end of the list so start requests continuous burst for new data. The main question is How should I use…
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1 answer

Handle scrolling for VerticalViewPager with NestedScrollView inside

Background: I am using a variant of ViewPager which instead of scrolling in horizontal direction, it scrolss in vertical…
3 answers

NestedScrollView setOnScrollChangeListener api 21

Hello folks I'm trying to handle an onScrolled event in my recyclerView, that's inside a NestedScrollView. So far, I have found setOnScrollChangeListener, however this method is API 23, and I'm targeting API 21, any idea to handle this issue back in…
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