Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

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636 questions
2 answers

Recycler View inside a NestedScrollView

I have a few Horizontally scrollable Recycler views inside a NestedScrollView. How do I disable only the vertical scroll in the recycler views and pass this vertical touch to the parent NestedScrollView?
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1 answer

Android RecyclerView inside NestedScrollVew check isScrollToEnd

I have RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView and its working fine but the problem is i can't listen RecyclerView's loadmore event ( custom scroll event) as i am using inside nestedscroll view so is there way to listen nested scroll view's Scroll to…
1 answer

How to make the FAB react to downward scroll events before the AppBarLayout has collapsed in a CoordinatorLayout

I am trying to write a custom behaviour for the FAB. At the moment, the behaviour which I took from here controls the FAB's visibility from when the onNestedScroll() method from the CoordinatorLayout.Behavior class is called. But, onNestedScroll()…
1 answer

Toolbar content visible over statusbar

i am using webview inside NestedScrollView which allows me to hide and show toolbar on scroll but there is an issue. the title from toolbar and hamburger is visible Image<> here is the main view code
1 answer

RecyclerView in NestedScrollView is not working in android

I have list of item which I want to display in recyclerview and in the main layout I added CollapsingToolbarLayout .Before applying CollapsingToolbarLayout recyclerview worked fine but after adding it to layout it is not visible. Here is the layout…
2 answers

NestedScrollView and WebView Javascript ScrollListener

I use the Android Design Library to scroll the toolbar and an image. I have a fragment with some views and a SwipeRefreshLayout, NestedScrollView and a WebView. Here is the hierarchy of my layout:
1 answer

Unable to scroll ViewPager inside a ScrollVIew/NestedScrollView with recycle view

I have Fragment which contains a Nested Scroll View in it. Inside this Nested Scroll View there is a View Pager and recycle view.When I am scroll the view only recycle view scroll,View Pager not scrolling.I want to scroll recycle view and view…
1 answer

MotionLayout and NestedScrollView RecylerView scrolling issue

I’ve faced an issue regarding to unexpected animating the recyclerview when scrolling it to horizontal direction. The recycler view is inside of NestedScrollView and the NestedScrollView is inside of MotionLayout. I’ve spent a couple of days to…
1 answer

RecyclerView does not scroll inside CoordinatorLayout with DrawerLayout and bottom sheet

I have a layout containing Navigation drawer, toolbar and bottom sheet. The RecyclerView is also present in the layout which does not scroll. Root layout is CoordinatorLayout which encapsulates -> i) DrawerLayout & ii) NestedScrollView (For bottom…
1 answer

LinearLayout with children and root is a scrollview. Should it be wrapped to another scrollview?

If a layout is defining a ScrollView as a parent view and one of the children is a LinearLayout (vertical orientation with some children) is there a problem with this definition? Because I have seen sometimes that the linear layout is wrapped in…
1 answer

Android cant set height to ListView in RelativeLayout inNestedScrollView

So I have ScrollView inside RelativeLayout inside NestedScrollView. Everything works fine, even scroll (for some reason you souldnt be able to scroll ListView inside ScrollView), except I cant set ListView height to actually wrap_content. For some…
5 answers

Show and hide button on scrolling ScrollView android

I have a nested scrollview and a button. I want to hide the button whenever the scrollview is scrolling and show the button when scrolling stops regardless of up scroll and down scroll. Someone please help.
Fathima km
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2 answers

NestedScrollView with CollapsingToolbarLayout not scroll smoothly (NestedScrollView stick to top on scroll up)

I am working on an application where I'm using AppBarLayout with CollapsingToolbarLayout and NestedScrollView. I have successfully implemented this and it is working fine. The NestedScrollView with the CollapsingToolbarLayout does not scroll…
2 answers

NestedScrollView content is smaller than screen height

I know that this question is often ask but i don't find the way to do properly in my case. As you can see in my xml file, i'm using CoordinatorLayout, NestedScrollView and AppBarLayout. When the nestedScrollview content is smaller than the screen…
2 answers

NestedScrollView is not working

This is my .xml file
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