Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

Useful reference

636 questions
6 answers

BottomSheet fly away with visibility change

I have a bottom sheet with a NestedScrollView inside (see below). When I press on a FAB button, I want to make some parts in this NestedScrollView invisible. But when I change some linearlayouts visibilities to GONE, bottomsheet fly aways from the…
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7 answers

Error inflating class - NestedScrollView - class not found

Running Android Studio 2.1.2, Windows 7. I replaced a ScrollView with a NestedScrollView and now I'm getting android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class NestedScrollView java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't…
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2 answers

Smooth scroll and Fling with NestedScrollView,AppBarLayout and CoordinatorLayout

I am working on an application where I'm using AppBarLayout with CollapsingToolbarLayout and NestedScrollView. I have successfully implemented this and it is working fine. Now what i am trying to do is, that on fling(fast swipe up) on the …
3 answers

Recyclerview view is not working with setNestedScrollingEnabled and its never recycle any views also

I am facing two problems: The scroll listener won't work The RecyclerView never recycles any views when it's attached to a NestedScrollView. It acts like a linear layout inside the ScrollView. It uses a lot of memory and creates lags. I am…
3 answers

Android doesn't resize my layout when there is a NestedScrollView in the hierarchy

I just observed the following behavior on my Nexus 9 with Android 7.1.1 and Android Support Library 25.3.1. Here is my activity's layout:
2 answers

ItemTouchHelper with RecyclerView in NestedScrollView: Drag scrolling not work

I have implemented ItemTouchHelper like descriped in this articel: All works fine if the RecyclerView is a child of the CoordinatorLayout. But if the RecyclerView…
3 answers

Recycler View loading very slow for large data when inside NestedScrollView

I have added RecyclerView inside my NestedScrollView. Basically I want RecyclerView to scroll with other Views. The problem that I am facing is that for a small set of data, it is working fine, but for a large set of data(200 entries) whenever I…
5 answers

When drag item out of visible space in recyclerview in nestedscrollview - nestedscrollView doesn't scroll

I have construction where there are two items which are static and recyclerview with draggable items. Both types of view are wrapped by LinearLayout. LinearLayout is wrapped by NestedScrollView. XML explanation:
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6 answers

Recyclerview onscrolllistener not working when setNestedScrollingEnabled to false

I want to implement pagination with recyclerView, for this I add addOnScrollListener to the recyclerView but I am having trouble with RecyclerView.OnScrollListener not working when I set rvGridExplore.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false); But when I…
Adnan Ali
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2 answers

Fling smoothly AppBarLayout with NestedScrollView using AppBarLayout.Behavior

I have an AppBarLayout and NestedScrollView. I want the NestedScrollView whenever it scroll down, the AppBarLayout should also expand gracefully, without the NestedScrollView stop right before the AppBarLayout Expand; a second Flight/Scroll is…
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1 answer

Disable NestedScrollview scroll

Design of my app Screen - 1 (contains Recyclerview-2) Screen - 2
1 answer

Bad performance when use RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView

I'm developing a search contact feature, in that screen, there is a RecyclerView inside NestedScrolView (fillViewport = true). Screen design: (This design is accepted by customer, I can't change it) After loading all contacts of current device…
2 answers

Programmatically scroll to end of screen

I have implemented TapTargetView library to my app. After passing a certain element, I need to focus on the next view which is outside the screen at this moment: @Override public void onSequenceStep(TapTarget lastTarget) { if ( ==…
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4 answers

NestedScrollView's fullScroll(View.FOCUS_UP) not working properly

I have a NestedScrollView populated with a vertical LinearLayout, which itself has a bunch of children of various view types: multiple TextViews, two static GridViews, and even a FrameLayout to show a Fragment beneath all of this. When pressing the…
S Fitz
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3 answers

How to get percentage of scroll in NestedScrollView any time (smoothly)?

I want to change the alpha of toolbar base on scroll, like below: At first, the toolbar is transparent and by scrolling to the bottom it will more and more visible and at the end it will be fully opaque (visible). The structure of my layout…
Hamed Ghadirian
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