Questions tagged [material-design]

Material design is Google's guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices, introduced with Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Material Design is a visual language that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation of technology and science. - Introduction - Material Design

Android 5.0 Lollipop includes support for material design apps. Polymer and Angular Material projects also provide official implementations.


  1. Material design specifications
  2. Material Design:
  3. Google I/O 2014 - Material design: Structure and components
  4. Google I/O 2014 - Material design: Visual style and imagery


  1. Android docs
  2. AngularJS Material
  3. Angular Material
  4. Polymer Project
  5. Material Design Lite (now deprecated)
  6. Material Components
7884 questions
23 answers

This Activity already has an action bar supplied by the window decor

Trying to move over my stuff to use Toolbar instead of action bar but I keep getting an error saying java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.tyczj.weddingalbum/}:…
37 answers

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android

I'm using an horizontal progress bar in my Android application, and I want to change its progress color (which is Yellow by default). How can I do it using code (not XML)?
35 answers

How to implement endless list with RecyclerView?

I would like to change ListView to RecyclerView. I want to use the onScroll of the OnScrollListener in RecyclerView to determine if a user scrolled to the end of the list. How do I know if a user scrolls to the end of the list so that I can fetch…
12 answers

Android Material Design Button Styles

I'm confused on button styles for material design. I'd like to get colorful raised buttons like in the attached link., like the "force stop" and "uninstall" buttons seen under the usage section. Are there available styles or do I need to define…
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21 answers

Android "elevation" not showing a shadow

I have a ListView, and with each list item I want it to show a shadow beneath it. I am using Android Lollipop's new elevation feature to set a Z on the View that I want to cast a shadow, and am already doing this effectively with the ActionBar…
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28 answers

Coloring Buttons in Android with Material Design and AppCompat

Before the AppCompat update came out today I was able to change the color of buttons in Android L but not on older versions. After including the new AppCompat update I am unable to change the color for either version, when I do try the button just…
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23 answers

How can a divider line be added in an Android RecyclerView?

I am developing an android application where I am using RecyclerView. I need to add a divider in RecyclerView. I tried to add - recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(getActivity(), …
sofquestion 8
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15 answers

How to use the new Material Design Icon themes: Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone and Sharp?

Google has revamped its Material Design Icons with 4 new preset themes: Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone and Sharp, in addition to the regular Filled/Baseline theme: But, unfortunately, it doesn't say anywhere how to use the new themes. I've been using…
Ashil John
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1 answer

What is the difference between Action Bar and newly introduced Toolbar?

After Google introduced Material Design, I have heard about a new widget class called Toolbar. What is the Toolbar, and what is the exact difference between ActionBar and ToolBar?
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13 answers

Adjust icon size of Floating action button (fab)

The new floating action button should be 56dp x 56dp and the icon inside it should be 24dp x 24dp. So the space between icon and button should be 16dp.
1 answer

Choosing bootstrap vs material design

I'm going to start new project using AngularJS (full stack). My project needs to be responsive and I'll be creating templates from scratch. So I need an advice on whether to choose bootstrap 3 (with angular directives) or material design for…
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5 answers

Android Design Support Library expandable Floating Action Button(FAB) menu

Now that the Android Design Support Library is out, does anyone knows how to implement expanded Fab menu with it, like the fab on Inbox App? Should look like this:
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6 answers

How to achieve ripple animation using support library?

I am trying to add a ripple animation on button click. I did like below but it requires minSdKVersion to 21. ripple.xml
N Sharma
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8 answers

Toolbar overlapping below status bar

I want to have appcompat v21 toolbar in my activity. But the toolbar I'm implementing is overlapping below status bar. How can I fix it? Here is the activity layout xml:
18 answers

No shadow by default on Toolbar?

I'm updating my app with the new Toolbar from the support library v21. My problem is that the toolbar does not cast any shadow if I don't set the "elevation" attribute. Is that the normal behavior or I'm doing something wrong? My code…
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