Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

Useful reference

636 questions
1 answer

How to use viewpager inside nestedScrollView with a view top of viewpager

I am unable to scroll nestedScrollView because of viewpager. So let me explain here is layout design that i want to create: There is FrameLayout inside NestedScrollView and a viewpager with tab layout. Viewpager load three fragments with endless…
2 answers

How to set the Maximum Height for a NestedScrollView in Android?

I have a NestedScrollView within a ScrollView. the NestedScrollView contains a TextView. So when the TextView expands above 4 or n lineas, I need to make it Scrollable TextView. Any help is much appreciated!!
I. A
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Pass Android NestedScrollView horizontal swipes to a parent View

I'm trying to make a left-right swipeable card system (like Tinder), where the card has a NestedScrollView on it. The goal would be that if the user swiped up and down only, the NestedScrollView would scroll, but if the user swiped left or right,…
4 answers

How can i have a ListView inside a NestedScrollView

I have created an app with a page that need to load content dynamically from web service. I want to have listview that can scroll together with a linear layout inside NestedScrollView. But when the contents is loaded to the listview, it doesn't…
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2 answers

Vertical ViewPager2 with RecyclerView Scrolling Issue

I'm using a ViewPager2 with two fragments in a vertical orientation. When the user swipes down to the second fragment, there is a RecyclerView that scrolls content in the same vertical direction. The issue is that when I scroll the contents of the…
2 answers

Android: Custom class for setting the max height of a NestedScrollView does not work (there is no scrollbar)

I am creating a custom class to set the max height of a NestedScrollView, based on the answer provided in this StackOverflow question: How to set the Maximum Height for a NestedScrollView in Android? However, when I include the custom class…
Adam Lee
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BottomSheet Fragment Scroll behaviour issue in NestedScrollview present in Bottom sheet layout

my Scenario is on button click i need to open a bottomsheet which is half expanded and when we drag up it should behave like collasping toolbar. Here Appbar behaviour is in sync with bottomsheet but somehow NestedScrollview behaviour is only sync…
2 answers

Problem in using NestedScrollView in Constraint layout

I am using Constraint layout inside the NestestScrollView as shown below.
1 answer

Check recyclerview scroll state inside nestedscrollview

I'm using a recyclerview inside NestedScrollView and I want to pin my search bar to action bar after scrolling and recyclerview items must show under searchbar, I need to make lazy load for my recyclerview items (load next items from server after…
2 answers

Interaction of adjustPan and a NestedScrollView

In my layout, I have an EditText in a NestedScrollView. When the EditText is edited with a soft keyboard, I would like the NestedScrollView's content to be scrolled up. However, instead, the whole contents of the activity is scrolled away, including…
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7 answers

NestedScrolling inside a Viewpager inside a BottomSheetDialog

Short version: How do I set the NestedScrollingChild of a NestedScrollingParent with multiple number of such child. Long version I implemented a BottomSheetDialogFragment whose layout consists of a ViewPager, and the adapter of this viewpager…
1 answer

Add Recyclerview in RecyclerViewPager

I added a Recyclerview in one item of RecyclerViewPager( And I want to scroll the RecyclerView when I touch on it. I have tried : View.OnTouchListener listener = new View.OnTouchListener() { …
0 answers

Nested Expandable RecyclerView lags on Expand and Collapse with too many number of child items freezes

I have created expandable recycle view in my app looks like below It has parent Items Menu category and Category has child items as shown in image Following is part of my parent adapter code. public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull…
4 answers

How to limit the height of a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView

Within my current Android application, I have a screen that displays an This DialogFragment view contains the following UI components HEADING == Sub Heading == NestedScrollView ==== RecyclerView ====…
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1 answer

Android: Custom bottom sheet dialog

How can I implement following design functionality with android standard component bottom sheet: Image when Bottom sheet dialog fragment will appear: Image when user scrolled to up to view bottom of content: I will use ViewPager to scrolling…
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