Questions tagged [expandablerecyclerview]

an Android library to allow for an expanded view to be attached to each ViewHolder.

Expandable RecyclerView is a library written to allow for an expanded view to be attached to each ViewHolder. To allow for full functionality of a normal RecyclerView, the RecyclerView has been modified to use two types of ViewHolders, a child and a parent with the ability to customize each separately.

This library has been deprecated.

88 questions
5 answers

recyclerView.getChildCount() is returning different number of child everytime

I have created a RecyclerView that contains dynamic EditText fields. When the values in the EditText fields are edited I need to save them on a click of button. I am using recyclerView.getChildCount() to get the child count which is giving a…
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Nested Expandable RecyclerView lags on Expand and Collapse with too many number of child items freezes

I have created expandable recycle view in my app looks like below It has parent Items Menu category and Category has child items as shown in image Following is part of my parent adapter code. public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull…
0 answers

Adding new Parent Objects to ExpandableRecyclerAdapter

I am using ExpandableRecyclerView in my project to have a nested RecyclerView. It works great, except when you need to dynamically update the parent list. My project have Product class as parent object (and extended ParentListItem). I am getting…
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Groupie RecyclerView Expand Parent's Layout To Include Children

I've a expandable recyclerView made using Groupie which I would like to have the children included on the parent's same layout to make use of the borders for its card view. Not sure how to achieve that though. Instead of I would like to have…
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ExpandableRecyclerview Inside a Cardview Recyclerview

I am totally familiar with ExpandableRecyclerview Or ExpandableLayout But I have a design that is a little bit unique and I am seeking help to achieve this implementation. I Am Attaching the design When the user clicks the arrow shown in the image…
1 answer

How to implement an Expandable RecyclerView where the child is having a grid structure?

I need to have an expandable view where the parent/expandable title will have a text and drop-down arrow. Children of each such title should be a view having multiple items in a grid structure. (Kind of like a recycler view with GridLayoutManager).…
1 answer

afollestad sectionedRecyclerView library. How to use seperate ViewHolders for each item

I've been trying to implement this sectionedRecyclerView library in my app, but i need it to have cases where there are no section headers/footers (while still displaying items) and cases where there are. This library always needs at least 1…
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Nested Recyclerview ( recyclerview inner recyclerview ) how to optimize? scrolling, performance issue

i have struggled with this [nested recyclerview] problems. The biggest issue about this is performance. When i scrolling down or upside, annoying laggy is occur. I found some advice that [using expandable recyclerview, rather than using nested…
1 answer

Expandable List view with recycler list view as child

As shown in the image, I am able to render the view. But the onChildClick event of Expandable view is not getting triggered. Also the touch event in the adapter is not responding. My layout details are mentioned below. The full source code for this…
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Android Expandable RecyclerView with 2 columns

i need to create a custom list view like in image below. My idea is to use expandable recyclerview with gridlayoutmanager. The problem is that this list has 2 columns and i dont know how to create expandable childs with full width like in…
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Using Groupie Library To create a Nested ExpandableGroup in Android with Firestore

I'm missing something. I layered a few ExpandableGroup Items and the first two layers work fine, but when I try to access the third layer, nothing happens. I looked through the debugger, and the items are collected, but they don't show up in the…
2 answers

Expandable RecyclerView Android Studio example

Hi guys I'm trying to find a good example android studio project for expandable recyclerview with the thoughtbot library I couldn't find one, Please help me out
1 answer

thoughtbot recyclerview expandable groups not expdaning

im using thoughtbot expandable recyclerview ( and i can't get to expand groups on clicks. also i know that the child items are not even binded (not sure if they were supposed to bind or only on…
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Android Studio : Implementing Expandable RecyclerView in Master/Detail flow Activity chosen from IDE Activity Selection

I want to manipulate the custom Master/Detail flow given by Android Studio to include an Expandable RecyclerView in place of the simple RecyclerView given in the auto generated activity. Here is the flow I want: The code below is the activity that…
1 answer

How to merged same named header in expandable RecyclerView

I have a expandable recycler view as like this I want to merged same named header(Such as "Nov 17,2016" ). and add their child at one place. and icon position must be remain same. How to do this? Here is my json…
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