Questions tagged [android-bottom-nav-view]

49 questions
2 answers

Android Architecture navigation Component with Bottom Navigation?

Now I am wondering which is the most proper way of implementation when want to combine BottomNavigation with the new Android Architecture Navigation Component? For now found two approaches: Single Navigation Graph which maintains all…
5 answers

Hide android bottom navigation view for child screens/ fragments

I'm trying to create a single activity Android application. I have MainActivity (only activity) with BottomNavigationView, three top level fragments and some child fragments. My requirement is whenever the screen is showing top level fragments,…
5 answers

BottomNavigationView Original icon color

I have my bottomNavigationView : And i added this class to prevent it from doing shiftingMode : public class BottomNavigationViewHelper { public static void disableShiftMode(BottomNavigationView view) { BottomNavigationMenuView menuView…
2 answers

Android Navigation Component + Login Flow + Nested BottomNavigationView

I'm struggle building a Navigation, like on the image below, with the Android Navigation Component. I need a "Login Flow", check if the user is logged in and then navigate to the main part of the app (also clearing the backstack). The main part…
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BottomSheet Fragment Scroll behaviour issue in NestedScrollview present in Bottom sheet layout

my Scenario is on button click i need to open a bottomsheet which is half expanded and when we drag up it should behave like collasping toolbar. Here Appbar behaviour is in sync with bottomsheet but somehow NestedScrollview behaviour is only sync…
1 answer

BottomNavigationView: How to remove hypheanted labels

Implementing a 5-item BottomNavigationView -with the labels always shown- I'm using the following approach:
Julián M.
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BottomNavigationView text blinking on change

Here is blinking:
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How to use Android Navigation Component + BottomNavigationView+ NavigationView (Navigation Drawer)

I would like to know what is the best practice of using Navigation Component + BottomNavigationView + NavigationDrawer. I have tried google's advanced sample for Navigation component. It worked very well for multiple back stack modules. Because it…
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Change background colour of area behind selected item in Android Bottom Navigation Bar

Is it possible to change the background colour of the particular portion of the bar behind the selected item of the bottom navigation bar or any third party libraries that support this? Also is it possible to add a highlighted bar along the bottom…
4 answers

How can i dynamically change bottom navigation items text?

Im trying to achieve the above design. I'm able to change the icons, but cannot change the bottom text. Im using material bottom navigation bar I achieved the icon change by implementing separate selector drawables for each icon. Is there any way…
1 answer

How to change a specific icon image from Bottom Navigation View

I need to implement a Bottom Navigation View in my android app. The middle icon needs to be an image, the company logo. But when I run the app it appears only a grey filled rounded icon. The images above show what I want and what I'm getting. What I…
1 answer

Android Bottom Navigation View item text color?

I Started working on Android Bottom Navigation View. But i am facing one issue. If i added 5 items to bottom navigation view, only selected items showing item text. If i added 3 items it is working fine. Any one please tell me how to show the item…
1 answer

Handling back button with Android Navigation with two navigation graphs

I have created a small sample app to test out the android navigation library. The general idea is that I want two tabs with their own navigation graph. My main activity layout contains a BottomNavigationView with two NavHosts. The…
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How to show a fragment layout in landscape mode in bottom view fragments?

I am using fragments in android bottom Navigation tabs. I want to show a layout in third navigation tab s fragment to landscape . how is it possible? . One thing I know was, we can fix the activities Rotations in Manifest file. Please Provide me…
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How to fix fragment appearing below bottom navigation activity?

I have a bottom navigation activity inside my main activity which is also my fragment container. And in that bottom navigation activity I have a two linear layouts which contains google maps and below it contains live coordinates. The problem is…
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