Questions tagged [android-nestedscrollview]

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child. It works this way on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android. Nested scrolling is enabled by default.

Useful reference

636 questions
6 answers

Webview inside Nestedscrollview/Scrollview missing contents

I have a webview which is placed insde a nestedscrollview. Problem i am facing is webview is not loading the full page. Instead it loads a part of the page and after that it keeps the bottom space blank (white). I have tried with scrollview as well.…
Ahsan Aasim
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0 answers

Recyclerview inside NestedScrollview scrollTo position not working

When I use RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView, then I use like scrollTo() fixed position, it's not working. (rlv_brandWithLetter.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager).scrollToPositionWithOffset(index,…
1 answer

NestedScrollView throw error "android.view.InflateException" when use nestedScrollEnabaled attribute

I have ViewPager inside NestedScrollView and in order to make my ViewPager attach the right height and scroll attributes I added android:nestedScrollingEnabled="true" to my NestedScroll.., here is a snap for my design :
4 answers

RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView takes too much time when loading large amount of data

RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView freezes the Activity when loading large amount of data. It loads much faster with ScrollView, but scrolling is affected in that case. I tried setting attributes like setAutoMeasure and setNestedScrollingEnabled…
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1 answer

Google Map Fragment scrolling inside NestedScrollView

I am having a NestedScrollView as a parent and Fragment containing googleMap as its child. When Ever I scroll downwards or upwards in map the NesetdScrollView is scroll and I am unable to scroll inside the map. Till now I have tried a solution from…
Mehvish Ali
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3 answers

RecyclerView scroll dosen't work with NestedScrollView

I have a layout where I have a NestedScrollView containing an Image, multiple buttons and a RecycleView. When I say recycleView.smoothScrollToPosition or recycleView.scrollToPosition() it doesn't do anything at the moment. Refuse to scroll even a…
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2 answers

Multiple recyclerviews (gridlayout and horizontal linearlayout) inside one view

I am trying to achive this: First I tried by putting all my recyclerviews (with WRAP_CONTENT) inside a nestedscrollview. That worked, but the performance was awful. Then I tried to set a height for my recyclerviews, that was a lot better…
1 answer

Talkback focus goes to toolbar items when recyclerview within nestedscrollview is scrolled

I have a nestedscrollview within my layout which contains few texts, buttons and recyclerviews. When talkback is on, I am able to traverse through all elements. But I face an issue. When my horizontal recyclerview is scrolled and then I swipe to…
3 answers

CollapsingToolbarLayout not Collapsing with RecyclerView Scroll Behavior

I have a CollapsingToolbarLayout that shows an image (placed inside the ConstraintLayout to keep the ratio 1:1) and a RecyclerView that has the$ScrollingViewBehavior attached to it. Image of…
2 answers

NestedScrollView Having Constraint Layout not scrolling

My xml is composed by one constraint layout. Inside this there are 2 buttons and 1 nested scroll view. Inside the ScrollView there are various elements including recycle view. I would like that the recycle view not scroll but scroll only the nested…
1 answer

CoordinatorLayout - flinging in opposite directions causes jittering

I need to make a scrollable fragment with static views at the top and a ViewPager with a RecyclerView in each page at the bottom. I am trying to achieve the desired outcome using a CoordinatorLayout, but ran into a problem - when I fling the top…
1 answer

RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView causing slow load and/or crashing

I am working with a RecyclerView which will be used to load potentially many images and I'd like to have an actionbar above the RecyclerView like this: But I'd also like the actionbar to only have that grayish background at the very top. If the…
2 answers

Horizontal and Vertical RecyclerView under the same scroll

I have to do something like Instagram does. I have a horizontal RecyclerView for stories, and, below, a vertical RecyclerView for feed. I want to accomplish the same scroll behavior(the stories should go with feed at scroll, not stay on top as…
5 answers

Collapsing AppBarLayout not scrolling with TabLayout and NestedScrollView

I have an issue with scrolling Collapsing AppBar, when I am trying to scroll it touching the AppBarLayout part. And also it sometimes scrolling not smoothly. Here is short (1m 30s) video of issue:…
2 answers

RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView does not give correct visible item position

I have a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView and I'm trying to get the position of the last visible list item during scroll events using. The following code allows me to reliably detect scroll events: val recyclerView =…