Questions tagged [upper-lower-bounds]

For questions about finding upper or lower bounds for functions (discrete or continuous).


Given a function $f$ with domain $D$ and a partially ordered set $(K, \le)$ as codomain, an element $y \in K$ is an upper bound of $f$ if $f(x) \le y$ for each $x \in D$. The upper bound is called sharp if equality holds for at least one value of $x \in D$.

Function $g$ defined on domain $D$ and having the same codomain $(K, \le)$ is an upper bound of $f$ if $f(x) \le g(x)$ for each $x \in D$.

Function $g$ is further said to be an upper bound of a set of functions if it is an upper bound of each function in that set.

The notion of lower bound for (sets of) functions is defined analogously, with $\ge$ replacing $\le$.

An upper bound is said to be a tight upper bound, a least upper bound, or a supremum if no smaller value is an upper bound. Similarly, a lower bound is said to be a tight lower bound, a greatest lower bound, or an infimum if no greater value is a lower bound.

Source: Wikipedia


  1. For a random variable $X$ and $a > 0$: $$\Bbb{P}(X \ge a) \le \dfrac{\Bbb{E}(X)}{a}$$

    This inequality is called Markov's inequality and provides an upper bound for the probability that the value of $X$ exceeds $a$.

  2. For any real $x \ge 0 $: $$1 - e^{-x} \le x$$ So $x$ is an upper bound for $1-e^{-x}$, and vise versa, $1-e^{-x}$ is a lower bound in $[0; +\infty)$.

1844 questions
14 answers

Simplest way to get the lower bound $\pi > 3.14$

Inspired from this answer and my comment to it, I seek alternative ways to establish $\pi>3.14$. The goal is to achieve simpler/easy to understand approaches as well as to minimize the calculations involved. The method in my comment is based on…
3 answers

Recreational math: If $f(f(x))=e^x$, bound the integral $\int_0^1 f(x)dx$

I've been studying functions $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ that satisfy $f(f(x))=e^x$ (or, half-iterates of the exponential function). I know that there's only one such analytic function, but it's really hard to study since it is almost certainly…
3 answers

Bound on $\sum\limits_{n=0}^{x}{\sin{\sqrt{n}}}$

Using Desmos and Mathematica, I was able to find a function $g(x)$ that seemingly estimated the function $$f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{x}{\sin{\sqrt{n}}}$$ I found that $${g(x)=2\sqrt{x}*\sin{\left({{\sqrt{4x+{\pi}^2}-\pi}\over{2}}\right)}}\approx…
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1 answer

Almost Stirling's Approximation

I need to prove the following bound $$n! \le e \sqrt n \left( \frac n e \right)^n$$ I can bound $\ln 1 + \ln 2 + \dots + \ln n$ as a Riemann sum with the function $\ln(n+1)$ and the trapezoidal rule: $$(\ln 1)/2 + \sum_{i=2}^n \ln i \ + (\ln(n+1))/2…
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3 answers

How small the probability $\Bbb{P}(X_1+X_2 +\dots +X_n < n + 1)$ can be if $\Bbb{E}(X_i) = 1$?

Let $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ be $n$ nonnegative independent identically distributed random variables with the same expectation: $$\forall 1 \le i \le n: \quad \Bbb{E}(X_i) = 1$$ How small the probability $\Bbb{P}(X_1+X_2 +\dots +X_n < n + 1)$ can …
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2 answers

Proving $(λ^d + (1-λ^d)e^{(d-1)s})^{\frac{1}{1-d}}\leq\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty\frac1{n!}λ^{\frac{(d^n-1)d}{d-1}+n}s^ne^{-λs}$

Question Let $\lambda \in (0,1), s \in (0,\infty), d \in \{2,3,\dots\}$ and show that in this case the following inequality holds: $$(\lambda^d + (1-\lambda^d) e^{(d-1)s})^{\frac{1}{1-d}} \leq \sum_{n=0}^\infty…
3 answers

Bounds of $1^n + 2^{n-1} + 3^{n-2} + \cdots + n^1$

I want to estimate the value of this sequence for large $n$ (with a reasonable lower bound and upper bound). That is, can we find a function $f(n)$ such that $$ \frac{1^n + 2^{n-1} + 3^{n-2} + \cdots + n^1}{f(n)} \rightarrow 1?$$ I tried to…
2 answers

Growth rate of the nth natural number not constructable with n steps of addition and multiplication

While messing around with the idea of ordinal collapsing functions, I stumbled upon an interesting simple function: $$C(0)=\{0,1\}\\C(n+1)=C(n)\cup\{\gamma+\delta:\gamma,\delta\in C(n)\}\\\psi(n)=\min\{k\notin C(n),k>0\}$$ The explanation is simple.…
5 answers

Without using a calculator and logarithm, which of $100^{101} , 101^{100}$ is greater?

Which of the following numbers is greater? Without using a calculator and logarithm. $$100^{101} , 101^{100}$$ My try : $$100=10^2\\101=(100+1)=(10^2+1)$$ So : $$100^{101}=10^{2(101)}\\101^{100}=(10^2+1)^{100}=10^{2(100)}+N$$ Now what ?
2 answers

Given $n+1$ points, bound the product of the distances from one of them

We have $n+1$ real numbers $x_1,\cdots,x_{n+1}$ such that $-1\leq x_i\leq 1$ for all $1\leq i\leq n+1$. I am wondering whether the following fact is true: There exists some $j$ such that $\prod_{\substack{i=1\\i\neq j}}^{n+1}\left |x_j-x_i\right…
2 answers

Infection spread on a torus chessboard

In one of his books, Peter Winkler includes the following problem: A disease is spreading on a $n\times n$ chessboard as follows: if a healthy cell is neighboring at least 2 infected cells, it becomes infected. Using the property that the perimeter…
3 answers

Least Upper Bound Property Implies Greatest Lower Bound Property

In Rudin $1.11$ Theorem Proof he claims the following Theorem. Suppose $S$ is an ordered set with the least upper bound property $B \subset S$, $B$ is not empty, and $B$ is bounded below. Let $L$ be the set of all lower bounds of $B$. Then …
2 answers

Upper Bound vs. Least Upper Bound

I am reading Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis in order to prepare for my first course in Real Analysis I intend to take this fall. The book just defined what an upper bound is and then defined supremum/ least upper bound as: Suppose $S$…
Sujaan Kunalan
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4 answers

Bounds on $\sum\limits_{k=1}^n \frac{\sin(k)}{k}$

$\sum\limits_{k=1}^n \frac{\sin(k)}{k}$ converges as $n$ increases, to a limit of $\frac12(\pi-1) \approx 1.0708$ Empirically, it seems to be bounded by about $\frac12(\pi-1) \pm \frac{1.043}{n}$, as shown in the chart below. What is the precise…
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1 answer

Show that $\mathbb{E}\left|\hat{f_n}-f \right| \leq \frac{2}{n^{1/3}}$ where $\hat{f_n}$ is a density estimator for $f$

Question Suppose we have a continuous probability density $f : \mathbb{R} \to [0,\infty)$ such that $\text{sup}_{x \in \mathbb{R}}(\left|f(x)\right| + \left|f'(x)\right|) \leq 1. \;$ Define the density estimator: $$\hat{f_n} =…
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