Questions tagged [windows-phone-8]

Windows Phone 8 is a version of Windows Phone (Oct 29, 2012 - present) that succeeds Windows Phone 7.5 and includes many new features.

Windows Phone 8 ("WP8") is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, and is the successor to Windows Phone 7.5. Unlike Windows Phone 7 which was based on Windows CE, Windows Phone 8 uses the Windows NT kernel found in Windows 8.

Supported development platforms include C#/VB.Net with XAML, HTML, CSS and Javascript or Typescript and C++ with Direct3D. Although XNA applications can still be developed, they can only target Windows Phone 7.5 instead of Windows Phone 8 and are kept only for legacy purposes. Windows Phone 8 also supports building Windows Phone Runtime Components and has access to APIs also present in Windows 8, making development for both platforms simultaneously easier.

Download the development tools and SDK.

New features include C++ support, Direct3D, multiple resolutions, Micro SD card, NFC, Bluetooth, Multi-core processing, In-app purchase, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, voice commands, Wallet Hub, app2app communication, new background functionality, contacts and calendar write-access, lock screen integration, new tile templates, new camera APIs, built-in maps control, and much more.

Read about what's new in the Windows Phone 8 SDK.

More information

Learning resources


18315 questions
1 answer

Google Analytics UTM Tracking for Windows Phone

Is there a way to pass UTM information trough Google Analytics, similar to websites, iOS or Android? I'm using the Google Analytics SDK from CodePlex in a Windows Phone app, and I want to pass information like utm_source, utm_medium and…
Dacian Mujdar
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3 answers

Does Thread.Sleep affect the ThreadPool?

I need to control one thread for my own purposes: calculating, waiting, reporting, etc... In all other cases I'm using the ThreadPool or TaskEx. In debugger, when I'm doing Thread.Sleep(), I notice that some parts of the UI are becoming less…
1 answer

Getting ANID2 in Windows Phone 8.1

I used this method in WP8 to get the user property : object userHashId; UserExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("ANID2", out userHashId); _userId = userHashId.ToString(); msdn link But I cannot find these in Windows Phone 8.1. Are there any new API for…
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NuGet add reference error while installing package

I am not able to install any package by Nuget. Install-Package MyToolkit.Extended Attempting to resolve dependency 'MyToolkit (≥'. Attempting to resolve dependency 'Microsoft.Bcl.Async (≥ 1.0.166)'. Install-Package : The…
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StackTrace alternative for runtime projects in windows store applications

With the help of StackTrace class i used to log all the information regarding the the app run to a text file in the isolated storage. But StackTrace doesn't seem to be present in the System.Diagnostics namespace for runtime projects. Is there an…
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Cannot find type System.SystemException in module mscorlib.dll when reference to Microsoft.Phone in Windows Phone 8.1 app template

Microsoft just released Windows App 8.1 with combination of Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, so you can create a universal app. However, it gives me a trouble to add Microsoft.Phone 8.1 assembly to project reference. Here is what I did (in Visual…
1 answer

load Xaml dynamically in Windows 8.1 runtime app

I am writing a windows 8.1 phone runtime app. I have a file in my assets which has Xaml content in it. When a button is pressed, I want to make the contents of a Stackpanel as defined by the Xaml in the file. I searched around a bit and found that…
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Async reader/writer locker

Right now, i'm trying to make a generic IsoStorageManager, which would read/write and serialize/deserialize classes async, based on this analytic. However, i'm aware of the case when different threads would request same file for reading/writing. My…
0 answers

streaming radio windows phone from chunks of audio

I'm is someone able to point me in the right direction for playing multiple streams/AAC media either with a MediaElement or MediaPlayer. I have 3 streams that get returned from a server and this gets updated every 10 seconds so I add the new streams…
1 answer

How to stop scheduledtask running when foreground app is active windows phone 8

I've posted previously about synchronisation issues with my background scheduled task having to access a SQLite DB and IsolatedStorge that the foreground app uses. To simplify the process I thought about just preventing my background task from…
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Writing to file in project folder - Operation not permitted

I use Json files for storing app-related objects. Reading works but I'm confused about writing to the file. private static void WriteFileContentsAsync(string content) { var local = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); //(new…
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3 answers

Add DateTimepicker plugin in phonegap build config.xml

I had installed plugin for Datetimepicker for wp8 phonegap from $ cordova plugin add And its working fine in local machine in Emulator,but when i convert it to XAP file its not…
4 answers

App deployement Failed, invalid pointer error

I am developing window phone 8 apps since November 2013 on window 8 pro. I am using window phone 8 emulator to test my apps. But from last one week every time I want to start emulator. the emulator takes 3, 4 minutes to show "The Window Phone os is…
1 answer

Windows Phone 8.1 Google Book REST Api call with HttpClient: HRESULT: 0x80072EFD

I am trying to write some app that needs to fetch info about books. That's why I am using Google Book Api. The Official library is not working on WP8.1 so I am trying to do everything by myself with the help of the Internet. That is what I wrote: …
Roman Pylypets
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1 answer

New Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 apps

I have just updated my Windows Phone HTC 8S to Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview and I would like to begin playing around with any new API's. I did come across the Windows.Phone.System.LockScreenExtensibility namespace, but it says: Minimum…
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