Questions tagged [audio-streaming]

The process of delivering audio from a server to a client, different from the download in that the client is able to hear audio while it's being downloaded.

The process of delivering audio from a server to a client, different from the download in that the client is able to hear audio while it's being downloaded.

More details in Wikipedia page on streaming media

2322 questions
8 answers

How to record webcam and audio using webRTC and a server-based Peer connection

I would like to record the users webcam and audio and save it to a file on the server. These files would then be able to be served up to other users. I have no problems with playback, however I'm having problems getting the content to record. My…
Dave Hilditch
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7 answers

Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer?

I've been trying to stream mp3's over http using Android's built in MediaPlayer class. The documentation would suggest to me that this should be as easy as : MediaPlayer mp = new…
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Knowing when AVPlayer object is ready to play

I'm trying to play an MP3 file that is passed to an UIView from a previous UIView (stored in a NSURL *fileURL variable). I'm initializing an AVPlayer with: player = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:fileURL]; NSLog(@"Player created:%d",player.status); The…
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3 answers

Stream Live Android Audio to Server

I'm currently trying to stream live microphone audio from an Android device to a Java program. I started off with sending the live audio between two android devices to confirm my method was correct. The audio could be heard perfectly with barely any…
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4 answers

NodeJS and RED 5 media server via RTMP

This is more a conceptual question rather than a direct "how to do this". Is it generally possible to implement a flash-like solution to stream the audio (independent of where we get the stream data from, e.g. webRTC or other) in HTML5 and…
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1 answer

Streaming audio from a Node.js server to HTML5

I've been experimenting with binary streams in Node.js, and much to my amazement do actually have a working demo of taking a Shoutcast stream using node-radio-stream and pushing it into a HTML5 element using chunked encoding. But it only works in…
Scott Wilson
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3 answers

AVPlayer "freezes" the app at the start of buffering an audio stream

I am using a subclass of AVQueuePlayer and when I add new AVPlayerItem with a streaming URL the app freezes for about a second or two. By freezing I mean that it doesn't respond to touches on the UI. Also, if I have a song playing already and then…
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6 answers

Why does it take so long for Android's MediaPlayer to prepare some live streams for playback?

I am finding big differences in the time it takes the Android MediaPlayer to prepare for live stream playback with different streams. The hard data I added logging between prepareAsync() and the onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) callback and tested several…
4 answers

Web Audio API for live streaming?

We need to streaming live audio (from a medical device) to web browsers with no more than 3-5s of end-to-end delay (assume 200mS or less network latency). Today we use a browser plugin (NPAPI) for decoding, filtering (high, low, band), and playback…
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5 answers

Receive audio via Bluetooth in Android

I want to create an Android application that is capable of receiving an audio stream. I thought of using the A2DP profile, but is seems as if Android doesn't support A2DP sink. Looks like there are a lot of people that's searching for a solution for…
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1 answer

Is it possible to get a byte buffer directly from an audio asset in OpenSL ES (for Android)?

I would like to get a byte buffer from an audio asset using the OpenSL ES FileDescriptor object, so I can enqueue it repeatedly to a SimpleBufferQueue, instead of using SL interfaces to play/stop/seek the file. There are three main reasons why I…
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7 answers

How could I play a shoutcast/icecast stream using HTML5?

Is it possible to play a shoutcast/icecast stream using HTML5? If so, how should I implement it?
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1 answer

Can I use Firebase Storage for online music streaming?

What I want is to save mp3 files on Firebase Storage and then stream it to an Android device. All the tutorials on Firebase discuss about the image file upload and download. If there are any other cloud that is more easy than Firebase to store and…
Brijesh Kumar
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10 answers

Is it possible to play shoutcast internet radio streams with html5?

Is it possible to play shoutcast (or some) internet radio streams with html5? So I have next code:
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Using AudioTrack in Android to play a WAV file

I'm working with Android, trying to make my AudioTrack application play a Windows .wav file (Tada.wav). Frankly, it shouldn't be this hard, but I'm hearing a lot of strange stuff. The file is saved on my phone's mini SD card and reading the…
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