Questions tagged [windows-phone-8-emulator]

Software for Windows that simulates a mobile device running the Windows Phone 8 platform. The emulator allows for the development and testing of Windows Phone 8 applications without the need for a hardware device.

The Windows Phone emulator is a virtual device that runs on your Windows computer that simulates the Windows Phone 8 platform. The emulator can be used during the development and testing of your Windows Phone 8 applications when a physical device is unavailable. The Windows Phone emulator is installed as part of the Windows Phone 8 SDK.

369 questions
14 answers

Windows Phone 8 emulator can't connect to the internet

I have Windows 8 installed inside of an emulator, and the new WP8 SDK installed on it. My problem is that the emulator can't connect to the internet. I don't have any proxy, and even disabled the firewall. It still doesn't seem to work though. When…
1 answer

Visual studio the project needs to be deployed before it can be started

When starting to test the application on Windows Phone (even a blank app) on emulator or device, this error is poping out "The project needs to be deployed before it can be started". "verify the project is selected to be deployed in the solution…
12 answers

Windows Phone Emulator not working

When I try to start debugging my windows phone 8 app in Emulator WVGA 512MB the following error message is showing The Windows Phone Emulator wasn't able to connect to the Windows Phone operating system: The emulator couldn't determine the host IP…
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3 answers

Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator not proxying through Fiddler

I've just started looking into Win Phone 8.1 and playing with proxying some data via Fiddler from the emulator but it doesn't seem to want to play ball. All the guidance around Phone 7 and 8 (not 8.1) seems to be that the emulator will route traffic…
Troy Hunt
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11 answers

Unable to Launch Windows Phone Emulator

I am trying to run unit tests on our CI server. When i run the following command it tries to launch emulator but fails with the following message vstest.console.exe myxapfile.xap Error Message The Windows Phone Emulator wasn't able to ensure the…
6 answers

How to load any XAP file with the Windows Phone 7 emulator

Does anyone know if it is possible to load a windows phone 7 XAP file into the emulator without the solution or source files? In other words, can I send somebody just a XAP file so that they can test my app, without giving them the full source code?
1 answer

Set up ads in Windows Phone 8

I found a few scattered responses to similar problems (mostly with Windows Phone 7) but wanted to post an answer that contained all requirements for Windows Phone 8 Ads. I've been having some issues setting an ad up in Windows Phone 8. Every time I…
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3 answers

Unable to start the Windows Phone Emulator

I've seen this error several times. Each time I google deeply and finally made me reinstall my windows and all stuffs. Please help, I don't want to reinstall everything again. The error is: Windows Phone Emulator Unable to start the Windows Phone…
1 answer

Problems with Windows Phone 8.1 emulator

I am having really difficult time to cope up with the windows phone emulator. My ultimate goal is to deploy my application and sniff http requests through fiddler. I am on Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 on Windows 8.1 Problems which i face Sometimes…
1 answer

Windows Phone Emulator error, Hyper-V components not running, Windows 8.1 hosted in VMWare Player

Environment: Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit as host o/s Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64-bit hosted in VMWare Player (current version) Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone (Update 4) I get the following error when trying to run a very simple phone…
4 answers

Alternatives to Hyper-V to run the Windows Phone emulator

I recently bought a Windows 8 laptop just for the sake of developing Windows Phone Apps. Mine is not a Pro version hence Hyper-V does not run. (I realized that Hyper-V needs WinPro after I bought the laptop). I am not capable of upgrading to pro…
6 answers

Windows Phone 8.1 emulator stuck at starting OS

I did fresh W10 and VS 2015 install and now when i try running newly created hello world type of app on emulator it doesn't load, all it says is: after 5-10 minutes it exits and Visual studio returns DEP6100 (error on bootstrapping stage -…
11 answers

Windows (phone) emulator 8.1/10 stuck at loading the OS

I've been trying to get the emulator to work for days. Previously I tried the Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator as well as the Windows 8.1 Simulator and both were stuck at loading the OS. Earlier today I installed the new Windows 10 Tools and thought I…
1 answer

Windows Phone Emulator requires missing Hyper-V

I'm beginner in Windows Phone 8, I installed Windows Phone 8 SDK and when I started the emulator I had this error message "The Windows Phone Emulator requires Hyper-V. Your PC is missing the following pre-requisites required to run Hyper-V:…
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What does it take to run the Windows Phone 8 emulator?

With the release of Windows Phone 8 finally out there, we finally have access to the SDK. I've heard that it requires special hardware or something for the emulator though. What are the system requirements for the phone emulator?
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