Questions tagged [live-streaming]

Live Streaming is the action of streaming a media (video, audio or both) over the network in real time.

In live-streaming, the provider relaying the data from a live source (different from regular streaming where the data can be also stored.

More details in Wikipedia page on live streaming media

1424 questions
3 answers

EC2 instance types's exact network performance?

I cannot find exact network performance details for different EC2 instance types on Amazon. Instead, they are only saying: High Moderate Low What does this even mean? I especially want to know the exact amount of Traffic-OUT on each instance…
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Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi

I have searched the internet for days now on how to implement a video streaming feature from an android phone to another android phone over a WiFi connection but I can't seem to find anything useful. I looked on android developers for sample code,…
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What is the difference between RTP or RTSP in a streaming server?

I'm thinking about developing a streaming server and I have the following question, do over RTSP (example url: rtsp:// or RTP (example url: rtp:// As I have understood, an RTSP server is mainly used for…
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9 answers

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonFactory

I am working on YouTube broadcast sample examples. I have created a sample Java Project & added required jars. But, when I try to run the project it throws exception. Exception : Throwable:…
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How to embed new Youtube's live video permanent URL?

I stream live on youtube a lot and since yesterday I experience a weird thing: I embedded the livestream URL in my site. it was (normal embed link). That link used to show the current livestream and not a specific video. for…
Itay Ganor
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8 answers

How to add a MOOV atom in a mp4 video file

I am working on live device to server streaming in android. I am able to send data in bytes on server but when I play that file during recording on server VLC say that MOOV atom not found. After a lot of workaround I found that MOOV atom of a mp4…
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1 answer

Live Video Stream on a Node.js Server

I have been researching this a lot but am frustrated as I feel like the solution should be simple though I know wont be. Ideally i'd just want to use node to host the server, webrtc getusermedia to get the live stream on the local client and use…
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3 answers

Embedding a live RTSP stream of H.264 video in a webpage

I have a server providing live H.264 video over a network via RTSP (rtsp://...), and I've been trying to find a way to display the stream to users in their browser (on at least Windows and OS X - Linux is a bonus). I currently have VLC Player…
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5 answers

How to parse mjpeg http stream from ip camera?

Given below is the code written for getting live stream from an IP Camera. from cv2 import * from cv2 import cv import urllib import numpy as np k=0 capture=cv.CaptureFromFile("http://IPADDRESS of the…
Prakhar Mohan Srivastava
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5 answers

How can I play Apple HLS live stream using html5 video tag

I am trying to play h264 encoded live stream using html5 video tag. Live stream is broadcasted by…
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4 answers

Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd

I am new to android programming and have found myself stuck I have been researching various ways to stream live video from phone to phone and seem to have it mostly functional, except of course the most important part: playing the stream. It…
4 answers

Live video streaming with HTML 5?

I want to make live video streaming. For example there is discussion. And somebody is recording it. I want the video record to appear on my web page. I want to do this with HTML 5. I don't know if it's possible, but has anyone tried ? Thank you in…
4 answers

What's the technology behind live stream sites?

It's amazing to notice that live stream sites like can deliver videos on very low bandwidth (as low as 25kbps) home connection. Could someone explain me the technology behind such sites and how they managed to deliver under such low…
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1 answer

Is there any way to get the live chat replay log/history for YouTube streaming video?

I’ve been doing research on online chat message patterns recently. I’ve chosen YouTube and for the chat message sources. I’ve found chat loggers for real-time livestreams, but I also need acquire the chat log/history for already…
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1 answer

Create a Live Streaming APP for Android

I am having quite a trouble lately. I want to develop an Android App with a livestreaming embeded, but I just don't know how to start. I tried using an Webview with the livestreaming tag embeded, but it didn't work (most likely the stream is…
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