Questions tagged [windows-phone-8]

Windows Phone 8 is a version of Windows Phone (Oct 29, 2012 - present) that succeeds Windows Phone 7.5 and includes many new features.

Windows Phone 8 ("WP8") is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, and is the successor to Windows Phone 7.5. Unlike Windows Phone 7 which was based on Windows CE, Windows Phone 8 uses the Windows NT kernel found in Windows 8.

Supported development platforms include C#/VB.Net with XAML, HTML, CSS and Javascript or Typescript and C++ with Direct3D. Although XNA applications can still be developed, they can only target Windows Phone 7.5 instead of Windows Phone 8 and are kept only for legacy purposes. Windows Phone 8 also supports building Windows Phone Runtime Components and has access to APIs also present in Windows 8, making development for both platforms simultaneously easier.

Download the development tools and SDK.

New features include C++ support, Direct3D, multiple resolutions, Micro SD card, NFC, Bluetooth, Multi-core processing, In-app purchase, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, voice commands, Wallet Hub, app2app communication, new background functionality, contacts and calendar write-access, lock screen integration, new tile templates, new camera APIs, built-in maps control, and much more.

Read about what's new in the Windows Phone 8 SDK.

More information

Learning resources


18315 questions
1 answer

Content Dialog template in Visual Studio C#

I'm starting to learn Windows 8.1 phone development and I am trying to get the Content Dialog template to work inside a Pivot page. Work some reason, when I try to get the Add app bar button to navigate to the ContentDialog.xaml page, it is not…
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Using FileOpenPicker with Silverlight

Windows Phone 8.1 supports file open and file save pickers. I want to use a file open picker with a project which was converted form WP 8 to WP 8.1 (Silverlight). I can open the FileOpenPicker as follows: FileOpenPicker picker = new…
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4 answers

Google oauth api sign out issue in google api dot net client

I am using “Google.Apis.YouTube.v3 Client Library1.8.1.1050” Nuget package for accessing API in Windows Phone 8. I am able to do sign in function successfully using this API. I am able to perform certain operations on YouTube API v3 only by logging…
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Drag using Toolkit Gestures goes crazy on Landscape Orientation

In a WP8 app, I have a ListBox bound to an ItemsSource with a Grid as it's ItemsPanelTemplate. The layout of the Grid might be different each time (different number of rows/columns) based on user selection and I'm using a helper class in order to…
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Camera.Initialized event does not fire after the first failure to initialize camera

I'm writing a Windows phone 8 application that has a barcode scanning module that uses Zebra crossing. It works fine except for the following corner case: when the user is fast enough to put the device to sleep before the camera is initialized,…
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Is it possible to programmatically set the start background?

Is it possible to set the start background image using the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK? After extensive Googling, I have found nothing, which does not look promising. You would think this would have been announced somewhere. However, I wanted to confirm…
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Is "Windows Phone Silverlight 8" the same as "Windows Phone 8"?

I have an app that targets Windows Phone 8. Now I want to use this compression library which states: Supported Platforms: .NET Framework 4.5 Windows 8 Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Phone Silverlight 8 Portable Class Libraries Will my app still run…
Heinrich Ulbricht
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Ads are not working in WP app

I am developing a WP 8/8.1 app. The problem that I am facing is that when I use the "Adcontrol" tool then it displays a blue line under it and it gives me the following error. Error 1 The name "AdControl" does not exist in the namespace…
2 answers

Windows Phone 8: Alternating colors on a ItemsControl

I want to alternate color of items in ItemsControl based on item index - odd or even. As I found here it is pretty easy to do, but looks like ItemsControl for Windows Phone doesn't have AlternationCount property. Is there any alternatives to…
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How to deploy a windows phone 8 app developed on VS 2013 2RC, windows 8.1?

Situation: I am trying to develop and deploy a windows phone 8.0 app using C# and XAML. To do so, first I installed Windows 8.1 Pro and Visual Studio 2013 Express with update 2 RC. I developed a simple Windows Phone 8.0 app and was able to test it…
Musa Haidari
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1 answer

Windows Phone 8 custom hourly range Live Tile update frequency

When I was searching for an answer to this, I only encountered developers looking for ways to update their apps' live tiles more and more frequently. I want the opposite, sort of. See I'm developing a weather app, and I want it to update every hour…
1 answer

Windows Phone 8 Media Chooser (photo and video) similar to Viber/WhatsApp

I have been developing an app which, similar to its iOS and Android versions, selects a video from the media library/camera roll of the phone. In Android and iOS this is almost no problem since media choosing APIs for those platforms are…
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Not sending data to Web Service

Here's my code for sending the data. There is a string strJson i want to send the string data to the service reference i have integrated. ServiceReference3.Service1Client client = new…
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4 answers

optimization failed with error 1104 windows phone 8

I have fixed the bug by uninstalling whole Visual Studio (2012 & 2013) and Windows Phone 8 SDK. Then install back Visual Studio 2012 and Windows Phone 8 SDK again. I think that the bug happened when more than 1 Visual Studio installed on the same…
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2 answers

Invoking Date Time Picker plugin in Windows Phone 8

I have successfully created a new Cordova Windows Phone 8 Project using CLI. I have also successfully added this Date time picker Plguin also, [Like it says on that page using CLI] That plugin is for displaying native Date Time Picker on…
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