Questions tagged [titanium-mobile]

A JavaScript-based platform to develop native mobile applications from a single codebase

Titanium-Mobile is a JavaScript based platform for developing mobile applications produced by Appcelerator.

Supports Android, iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) and Windows Phone applications using a mostly common set of Mobile APIs which render using each platform's native controls and features.

1825 questions
1 answer

Accessing the camera instance online

I just want to know, is it possible to open camera instance and take a picture online. in other words, if i have an app has an access to the internet can i create a button to open the camera and take a picture while i'm being online?
Amr Bakri
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1 answer

How to create Titanium Android Module with external library(jar)?

I am creating the module for the first time in Android. This is one external library which is successfully deployed on native code . Now i want to create one module of that external library the Build has Successfully deployed with AntBuild but How…
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How to include AdMob in a Titanium Android app?

This would be my first time working with AdSense, previously I've used the createAdView for iOS, which is extremely simple to use. When I wanted to find the equivalent for AdSense I found Titanium doesn't offer functions to do so. From what I've…
Uriel Arvizu
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0 answers

Titanium Studio Application does not run in Android emulator and device

Hi I am new to titanium framework.I installed the latest titanium 3.x framework. When I execute the application I got the following errors.Please correct me.Thank you. [ERROR] Error(s) compiling generated Java code [ERROR] An exception has…
Srikanth M
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1 answer

Unable to upload photo using Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS)

I am trying to upload a photo using ACS, but I am getting some runtime error. Here is the code that I am using: var image; function uploadPhoto(){ Titanium.Media.openPhotoGallery({ success: function(e){ // alert(e.mediaType); …
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Titanium Studio Cannot create new project

I have installed titanium studio in Windows 7 32bit environment and configured Android 4.2.Then created an account with titanium and its working properly when opening the Titanium IDE.But when i try to create a new project it displays an…
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Titanium Alloy get all label text value from xml

I want to console log all label text value displayed from my xml, And this is how I was doing to log the label$.label.getText()); , but this code doesn't seem to work since this only works for only a single value from a variable. How…
Rh Jov
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2 answers

Why action bar in titanium crash my application?

am developing android app in titanium appcelerator. Now my problem is that i have to add action bar in my app and put two buttons in left and right side of it but i cant successfully implement the action bar i have done following to make show…
User 1531343
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1 answer

Opening another window from controller

I have button named settings in my titanium alloy project. What i want is, to open the settings window upon clicking/tapping the button. So i have used following code var settingsWindow =…
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How to display iPhone contacts like path

How to display iPhone contacts with email like path application. I tried following code, its show the contacts name, when I click the contact it navigate to contact details page. But, I need to display contacts in table view then user click customer…
Praveen Kumar
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1 answer

Android - How to open email attachment with Titanium 2.1.3?

I'm working on Titanium SDK 2.1.3 and deploying for Android, I followed this article to include my app in the list of applications that can open mime types like application/*, image/* and audio/*. It made my Android Manifest to look like this:
1 answer

Update variables - Titanium/Javascript

i am working on a titanium mobile project and i'd like to update some variables. How can i update some variables that is in the "exports.presets"? It looked easy to me but unfortunately i couldnt do this.. exports.presets = { Filter1:new…
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Titanium Android - Got exception decoding bitmap when trying to open an image

I'm working with Titanium SDK 2.1.3 and developing for both iOS and Android. Our application can open files (at the moment txt and images on Android), in iOS we use a special library that handles the files while in Android we want to open the files…
Uriel Arvizu
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1 answer

Titanium Android - How to differentiate between a smaptphone and a tablet?

I'm using Titanium SDK 2.1.3 and I've come across this problem recently, since Android 4.0 and greater can be found in both smartphones and tablets, how can I differentiate between them? If I try to distinguish based on resolutions it wouldn't work…
Uriel Arvizu
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1 answer

How to run the blackberry application in Titanium appcelerator in blackberry simulator

I am new to Titanium appcelerator.I instll the Titanium studio and blackberry sdk in the Titanium.And I download the Blackberry simulator.I create the new project in Titanium studio with deployment target as BlackBerry.It is created…
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