Questions tagged [titanium-mobile]

A JavaScript-based platform to develop native mobile applications from a single codebase

Titanium-Mobile is a JavaScript based platform for developing mobile applications produced by Appcelerator.

Supports Android, iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) and Windows Phone applications using a mostly common set of Mobile APIs which render using each platform's native controls and features.

1825 questions
1 answer

Titanium create calendar event

I am trying to create calendar event in my Titanium App for Android Platform. For that I am using below code, It does't give any error also didn't to create any calendar events var calendars = Ti.Android.Calendar.selectableCalendars; var…
4 answers

How to avoid the callback "waterfall"?

One of the reasons that I tend to dread writing Javascript for anything other than relatively trivial bits of functionality is that I've never found a decent approach for avoiding the callback waterfall when one thing really depends on another. Is…
Rob Wilkerson
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Titanium appcelerator image view load event listener not working with android

i have an image view, when the image loads i want to make an action, for example an alert.I'm using eventListener method to implement this. here's my code imageView.addEventListener('load', function() { alert(1); }); this workd fine with…
2 answers

Appcelerator Titanium - Alloy vs Classic

I'm about to start a new Titanium project. So far, what I've written is what's now considered as "Classic Project" (I've been writing Titanium apps since before Alloy). I was wondering whether or not it's worth while to switch to Alloy for my new…
2 answers

how to clear grow heap size in titanium app in android?

I have download 100 images store in application data directory its working fine but i have download more images then grow heap size problem is coming and application is closed.I have remove all objects,value of objects define null and window is also…
4 answers

Android emulator upside down

I am using Titanium to build an app. I created an android emulator using a standard device definition Nexus 4 (4.7", 768X1280: xhdpi, Android 4.1.2 - APU Level 16 , ARM (armebi-v7a) when I run it , the outside orientation appears correct but the…
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Titanium Alloy SplitWindow IOS strange behavior change width

I have a strange behavior if I drag horizontally the black separation line…
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Titanium - Facebook module doesn't using native login

I'm trying to implement facebook login to the app I'm trying to develop with Titanium, and when I'm clicking on "connect" button its shows me a dialog that looks like that: Its looks like a web-app facebook login and not as native should look like.…
2 answers

How does Titanium SDK work in the various platforms it supports (in 2013)?

I haven't been able to find clear information about how Titanium SDK works. What javascript engine is used in the various platforms? Wikipedia says they announced a plan to use v8 in 2011, but doesn't mention them actually using it. Do they use v8?…
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Getting page number of pdf file Titanium Studio iPhone

I am creating an app to read PDF file. I'm using WebView to load the PDF file. Below is the code: var wv = Ti.UI.createWebView({ backgroundColor:"gray", border:1, height:410, url : "file.pdf" …
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Why is the Titanium build process so slow?

I have a 2013 Retina MacBook pro and am amazed by the XCode build speed. I can build and run a fairly large Objective-C app in the simulator in about 2-3 seconds. When building and running a smaller Titanium App for iPhone, it takes about 15 seconds…
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6 answers

Doubts on using phonegap and titanium

Recently i heard about the PhoneGap and Titanium mobile web app developments. I had analyzed about both the web applications and got some idea of how to use and what are the strength and weakness of these. Yet i didn't get some clear ideas on the…
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Titanium Mobile Push Notifications callback not fired

I asked this question on the developers forum too, but as my time is running out I hoped posting on stackoverflow might be quicker. Currently I am able to receive push notifications and I want to send some extra data along, after searching around I…
1 answer

How do I tell if the app was opened or resumed as a result of a push notification in Titanium?

How do you handle a push differently in Titanium depending on whether the app was open at the time the push arrived? When a push notification comes in and my app is running, I would like to pop up a message offering to take the user to the item the…
1 answer

How to access all HTTP Response Headers

I have a simple mobile app in Titanium that I'm using to debug the ability to log into our user system. At the moment, I cannot seem to see the Set-Cookie response header as it's always returned as null. I'm currently using Titanium SDK 1.7.5 (1.8…
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