Questions tagged [blackberry-simulator]

Use BlackBerry device simulators to demonstrate and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with your application. These simulators will also simulate behavior in various wireless network conditions. Device simulators are great tools for testing, training and for use in presentations.

Use BlackBerry device simulators to demonstrate and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with your application. These simulators will also simulate behavior in various wireless network conditions. Device simulators are great tools for testing, training and for use in presentations.

When integrated with the BlackBerry JDE, device simulators can run and debug applications developed in the BlackBerry JDE.

Each simulator package represents a publicly available application version and contains simulators for multiple BlackBerry devices.

More information here.

587 questions
2 answers

How to Simulate Pinch on BlackBerry 10 Simulator ?

I am developing a project using the Native SDK for BlackBerry 10. I am using BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Simulator for testing purposes. I can't seem to simulate a pinch event, and did some searching just to find out that this is not implemented yet in…
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Running BlackBerry 10 simulator (alpha) in virtualbox

Blackberry 10 (alpha) is providing the Simulator to run on vmware, I was wondering if that can also be run on virtualbox?
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Is there a Blackberry Browser emulator?

I'm developing a mobile site that needs to work in Blackberry browsers. This is not an app; just a website with custom stylesheets. Is there a Blackberry browser emulator available somewhere, or do I need to use one of the simulators, which give you…
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Repackaged Android App drawing issues on Blackberry Playbook simulator

I am trying to repackage a small game I made for Android to be used on the Blackberry Playbook. I was able to repackage it and deploy to the Blackberry Simulator on vmware just fine, except the redrawing on the simulator just behaves very strangely.…
14 answers

Blackberry MDS simulator - Can't connect to the internet in the simulator

I'm trying to do some testing of a website through the Blackberry simulator, while the simulator works fine, I can't get to any sites in the Blackberry Browser. Here is the specific setup I'm using. I'm Windows 7 (64-bit) Home Edition I have the…
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Blackberry browser back click

I am trying to go back back to the previous page after loading a browser but it takes three back clicks to do so. I tried overriding the back button click but it still takes three clicks. I used following code to load the browser: BrowserSession…
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Can I develop Blackberry applications using C# .NET on windows7

Hey, I have a keen interest to build an application for blackberry OS, can I do it with C#? Also Blackberry has launched a plug-in for Visual Studio but how would you use it along with the simulator?
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Capture backspace key press in BlackBerry with jQueryMobile

Is there a way to capture backspace key press on a input[type="text"] in BlackBerry? I have tried with $('input[type="text"]').bind('keydown', function(event) { ... }); and it captures all key press events except the one for the backspace (del).…
6 answers

BlackBerry: "Application is not responding; process terminated" because of UiApplication.getUiApplication().popScreen()?

I have a Blackberry application which, when run in some emulators with touch support (ex: 9500, 9520, 9530, 9550), terminates with: "Application is not responding; process XPTO terminated" Using logs, I found out that it seems like the application…
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how to run blackberry emulator on mac

How to run blackberry application on mac in eclipse? I have downloaded the eclipse with blackberry plugin installed in it... But i am facing problem when i am running new Hello Project in eclipse... I can't find blackberry simulator to run my…
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How to install .bar file in Blackberry 10 simulator

I have 1 .bar file which is generated from eclipse plug-in. Now I want to test that .bar file in Blackberry 10 simulator. How can I test that Application? I have installed blackberry simulator 10 Dev Alpha successfully and configured IP Address…
2 answers

Launching Blackberry Apps from the Command Line

I am trying to make use of the fledgecontroller to launch my app from the command line but when I execute the following line, nothing happens, no errors.The 9800 simulator doesn't change from the homescreen to my app. Why is that? fledgecontroller…
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jQuery blackberry ajax problems

I have an web application that I am making available to mobile devices. Im using jQuery and jqMobile for the functionality and styling. The application works great in safari, google chrome, on the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices but I cant…
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1 answer

avoid showing menu on button click

In my application there is a button and when the button is clicked the context menu pops up. How can I avoid having the context menu show up? protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int context){ menu.add(_imageMenuItem); super.makeMenu(menu,…
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make: *** No rule to make target `Device-Debug'. Stop.

i am using QNX momentics for blackberry development. The problem is whenever i download any sample code and run it on Simulator. then error comes to me. When i clean the project it give me Error **** Clean-only build of configuration…
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