Questions tagged [titanium-mobile]

A JavaScript-based platform to develop native mobile applications from a single codebase

Titanium-Mobile is a JavaScript based platform for developing mobile applications produced by Appcelerator.

Supports Android, iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) and Windows Phone applications using a mostly common set of Mobile APIs which render using each platform's native controls and features.

1825 questions
19 answers

How to check if array element exists or not in javascript?

I am working with Titanium, my code looks like this: var currentData = new Array(); if(currentData[index]!==""||currentData[index]!==null||currentData[index]!=='null') {"is exists " + currentData[index]); return true; } else {…
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1 answer

Easy to follow beginners tutorial for Titanium mobile/studio

I'm new to Titanium mobile as well as titanium studio, but have heard good things about it. Can anybody recommend some easy to follow tutorials for beginners? I am also new to Mac - and javascript,- so go easy on me :)
Iris Classon
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1 answer

What is the correct way to chain async calls in javascript?

I'm trying to find the best way to create async calls when each call depends on the prior call to have completed. At the moment I'm chaining the methods by recursively calling a defined process function as illustrated below. This is what I'm…
Brett Ryan
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2 answers

Adding Days using Moment.JS

Having a few issues with simply adding a day to a few dates in an Appcelerator project using moment.js All I want to do, is grab today's date and then display it in the DD format (01) and then get the next 6 days as well. Here is what I'm…
Simon Hume
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2 answers

How to tell if GPS is enabled on Android using Titanium

I am working on an Android 3.2+ app in Titanium. It is crucial that I am able to determine if the device has GPS enabled. According to the Titanium API reference, Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled will always return true on Android 2.2+,…
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1 answer

libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited

I am trying to change the color of the cursor in TextField in Titanium android app. For that I created platform/android/res/values/ folder. I placed the following code in tiapp.xml:
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1 answer

Facebook apprequests dialog always returns cancelled Titanium Android?

I'm using facebook 3.0.1 titanium module. In Android, the Facebook apprequests dialog always returns as cancelled, even while the actual apprequest is send as can be seen on Facebook. Because of this I cannot store the requestid in my back-end,…
2 answers

Titanium Appcelerator - should I use the alloy framework?

I'm developing an app using Titanium Appcelerator. It's a simple flashcards app for iOS which allows users to scroll through a selection of foreign words, and view the equivalent english translation on 'the other side' of the card (flip…
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3 answers

what is a adb daemon?

While running an application .apk file is formed and that apk file is installed in the emulator. for installing the apk file in the emulator we need Android Debug Bridge(ADB) service. Daemon is a part of this service. My question is what is the work…
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4 answers

Encoding a PNG with JavaScript

I have some arbitrary pixel data that I want to save as a PNG. How can I encode a PNG with JavaScript to accomplish this? The data is a series of 1's and 0's that I want to use to create a QR code. It's QR code arbitrary data I'm not using the DOM,…
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1 answer

Can't login to Facebook due to invalid access token error using Titanium's Facebook Module

I'm working with Titanium Studio 3.2.0 and Titanium SDK 3.2.0.GA, and deploying to Android devices with or without the Facebook app. To login to Facebook I'm using the one provided by Titanium. I'm having the same problem described in this link.…
Uriel Arvizu
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2 answers

How to get req and res object of Expreejs in .ejs file

I am trying to use Express js with .ejs views. I want to redirect my page to some another page on any event let say "onCancelEvent" As per Express js documentation,I can do this by using res.redirect("/home"); But I am not able to get res object in…
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3 answers

I need help understanding Titanium Alloy (MVC) development

I'm used to developing in MVC frameworks such as cake and backbone, but I can't get my head around developing in Alloy. There don't seem to be any good examples online. I would be very grateful if someone could give an example of how you would set…
The Puma
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4 answers

Do automatically scaling font sizes work for android, using appcelerator?

Just trying to get clarification on this issue. Is the scaling of fonts working for android using this attribute? Its working for iOS, I know, but it doesn't seem to want to play nice for android. I'm trying to make a label that has a string of…
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1 answer

How to get the number of unread messages PubNub

Hey i'm using pubnub Services to add chat functionality to my Titanium App but i'm wondering if there is a way to get the number of unread messages. there is no info about this on api references What i tried to save the numbers of messages in…
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