Questions tagged [titanium-mobile]

A JavaScript-based platform to develop native mobile applications from a single codebase

Titanium-Mobile is a JavaScript based platform for developing mobile applications produced by Appcelerator.

Supports Android, iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) and Windows Phone applications using a mostly common set of Mobile APIs which render using each platform's native controls and features.

1825 questions
2 answers

Launch titanium picker view when a button is pressed

As I came to know that we cannot use custom image or background/border/text color in pickerview in titanium yet. So I came up with the idea of showing a button to the user with custom image/font, and when user clicks the button, the picker view…
Syed Aqeel Ashiq
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2 answers

How to pass data from one window to another in Titanium?

I want to to send data from one window to another. Example: I have a text field and a button on first window. When click on window I need to send text field value to the second window? I found a tutorial, but it's not in MVC.
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1 answer

Titanium ImageView Width attribute not working Android

I have set width attribute of the imageView. But it is not taking up the width. It is not the aspect ratio thing. It is something else: // Create an ImageView. var content = Ti.UI.createView( { width : '100%', height : '90%', bottom :…
Syed Aqeel Ashiq
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1 answer

Titanium App reserves child view on multiple searches

I am building a Titanium mobile App for iOS. I will be referring to three different screens; A home screen that has a tableview, a "master" screen that has a "search field" and a "detail" screen. When I navigate from the home screen to the master…
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Titanium Alloy: get element (node) by tag- or classname

How can i get an element collection by tagname or classname in alloy? Are there javascript equivalents on a object (I know its not on the controller or $) like .getElementsByTagName() and .getElementsByClassName()? Or how can i retreive a xml…
1 answer

How to maintain TSS styles when changing height / toggling view visibility?

Consider an expanded and a collapsed View, one visible at a time, toggled on click events. In a TableRowView, I can set the TableViewRow height and toggle between the expanded and collapsed Views. The views show, but the TSS styles are lost - for…
Joe Beuckman
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1 answer

Array referencing in Javascript

I've just go into developing apps through Titanium's Appcelerator and therefore this is my first experience with Javascript as well. Running into a confusing thing with regards to referencing array values and I was just hoping someone would be able…
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1 answer

How to create pdf file of the webview content in titanium

I am new to Titanium. I have a webview. The content of the webview can be a pdf file, or a url. I want to save the webview content as a pdf file. I have created webview using the below code: var webViews = Ti.UI.createWebView({ left : 0, …
Aswathy Bose
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0 answers

How to refresh the tableview after deleted

i am able to delete tableviewrow when click on button,bt one problem is that it delete from row from database but not reflected in view.js see effect of query i need to start application again.i want to display the row when click on button…
Deepak Borade
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1 answer

How to load another js file on a button click in titanium

I have App.js (function() { Window = require('ui/tablet/ApplicationWindow'); } new Window().open(); })(); From there ApplicationWindow.js is loaded. In ApplicationWindow.js function ApplicationWindow() { //load…
Aswathy Bose
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1 answer

Animation hide imageview [Titanium]

I have created an imageView in Titanium and now I would like to hide it using an fade out animation along with changing the backgroundColor of the view. I have the following code var image = Titanium.UI.createImageView({ …
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1 answer

Tagging Multiple users in a Status in Titanium Mobile

Help me with tagging multiple Friend's with a status which I'm updating via my device from my app. Here's what I'm doing var data = { link : "", name : "Appcelerator Titanium (iteration " + iter + ")", tags :…
2 answers

Error when specifying the SDK folder

I have just installed Titanium Appcelerator, and when trying to specify the SDK folder I receive the following error: Please guide me to solve this problem
Amr Bakri
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1 answer

How to disable the picker row - Titanium?

I want to create a date time picker for one mobile app in Titanium Studio (for Android). I need to disable some picker rows like- All Saturdays and Sundays. I am not finding any way to do it, there is no property in Titanium Picker using that I can…
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1 answer

Place a label at coordinates in Titanium

I have created a label and would like to place it on certain coordinates. Is there a way I can directly set the x and y coordinates to place the label in Titanium.
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