Questions tagged [titanium-mobile]

A JavaScript-based platform to develop native mobile applications from a single codebase

Titanium-Mobile is a JavaScript based platform for developing mobile applications produced by Appcelerator.

Supports Android, iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) and Windows Phone applications using a mostly common set of Mobile APIs which render using each platform's native controls and features.

1825 questions
1 answer

Titanium Mobile support for Windows Phone 8

Will Titanium Studio support the Windows Phone 8 platform? Is there any talk of it? Is there anything concrete from Titanium stating they are doing it? I looked on google and can find nothing.
Billy Moon
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2 answers

Titanium never shows anything in the console

I've just started with titanium and I can't make the"My log message") to print anything in the console. I tried running the app in my Android device, in the Android Emulator, in the iPhone simulator and as a mobile web project in…
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Building Native View using iOS module and using them in Titanium

I want to build an iOS module in which I have a viewController class with its .xib file. now the problem is how to call that view from my titanium code. I know that there are view proxy available but dont know how to use them due to not so good…
1 answer

how i check Line By Line code Deduge or Run (Titanium)?

I am new mobile application developer with Titanium. I want to see Line by Line Debug. for check some loop or code. (specially for the "ANDROID") for Checking where my application is 'Crash'. Please Help Me, Thanks in Advance
1 answer

android:back (device back button) event in Titanium not working

Hi i am working on android application development.I am using Titanium studio for development. I create a simple application.I want to capture the device back button event in my application because I don't want to user android default tabs in…
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Appcelerator Titanium: Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found

This is driving me crazy, I have spent about 10 hours now deleting and regenerating Apple keys and provisioning profiles for my Appcelerator Titanium iPad app. I had this all working and compiling 1 year ago, then my Mac crashed and I had to…
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Strophe js in Titanium Appcelerator?

I want to create a chat application in Titanium appcelerator using Strophe.js library. I have gone through strophe js libraries and their documents as well. I believe we can use strophe.js to build xmpp based chat app in web. Thanks in advance, Can…
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Titanium Development in Sublime Text 2

I'm interested in working with Titanium 3.x to develop iOS and Android applications. However, I don't like Eclipse-based IDEs, and don't like the Titanium IDE at all. My love goes to Sublime Text, so I'm wanting to set up a workflow with ST and…
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3 answers

Issue with POST JSON data Titanium

I want to post JSON data using HTTP request. I have read the official docs and I am working according to them. I am using the following code: var xhrpost = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient(); xhrpost.onload = function(){ …
nadeem gc
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2 answers

Transferring the events to parent view (Titanium Studio, IPhone)

I am new to mobile development with Titanium Studio. I would like to know if it is possible to transfer an event to a view's parent view. For example, say that I have a imageview namely imgVw added on top of a view namely parentView and I want to…
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3 answers

Please recommend a titanium project structure using CommonJS

I'm starting a new Titanium app and want to use best practices and avoid having memory leaks from the get go. I'm new to CommonJS as well as the Titanium platform in general. Unfortunately it seems that all the sample applications for titanium…
Brett Ryan
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3 answers

How to get the Touch point (top and left) irrespective of the views, windows in Titanium

I want that when i click on my MainView, i want to create new window just where i have touched. Say for e.g. i have clicked at top:50 left:200 then my new window should start from that point only. I want to create something like Popover in Titanium…
3 answers

Titanium Studio cannot find Android SDK (tried multiple solutions)

Okay. I'm kind of at my wits' end here. I've been trying for about 2 days to set up Titanium Studio to recognize and connect to the Android SDK (Windows 7). I have tried multiple solutions (below) with no luck. There's got to be something I'm…
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1 answer

Titanium: Data encryption and decryption techniques on Android devices

I am using Titanium 1.7.6 I am developing an android 2.2 application that will access images/videos/pdf/text from my resources folder from sd card. I want only the application to be able to read the contents of my resources folder. What would be the…
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2 answers

Titanium Creating Image file: file.write(blob) not creating the correct file

I am trying to read a .PNG file using Titanium 1.8.1 Here is my code to read file. var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, 'KS_nav_views.png'); var blob =; When I create a new file using the above blob object, the…
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