Questions tagged [appcelerator-titanium]

Use for programming or development questions related to Appcelerator's Titanium SDK for developing Native Mobile Apps using JavaScript. Please always include the "appcelerator" tag as well and do not use the ambiguous "titanium" tag.

See the Tag Info on for more information.

1258 questions
2 answers

JS how to check empty String and Space

Help me pls if(value == ""){ // do anything } but I need to check space " " (2,3,... space is include) is the same way of empty String ps. sorry in my English
4 answers

Issue with building iOS on AppseleratorStudio [ERROR]: Invalid "--device-id" value ""

AppseleratorStudio (Titanium), build: MacBook Pro iPad mini, OS 8.1. Seen similar questions being asked, but not many answers were given and most of the questions were Android related. Willing to provide more info needed if…
Goltsev Eugene
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You are using an unsafe implementation of X509TrustManager

I've an app in Google Play, today I received a mail from Google saying that: Google Play warning: You are using an unsafe implementation of X509TrustManager It says something about the SSL certificate issues and a way to solve the issue. I'm…
3 answers

Post iOS10 / Xcode 8.0 "Missing Push Notification Entitlement" error after build for iTunes Store

Whilst building for iTunes store and submitting the archive, I receive this error from apple: Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "XXXXXXXXX". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to…
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1 answer

Swipe back gesture doesn't work on iOS with ScrollableView

I'm using Appcelerator Studio 4.7 with SDK 5.4.0GA. I want to use swipe back gesture to return to previous view controller, but instead my touch just moves ScrollableView views even though I start my gesture at the left edge of the screen. Swipe…
4 answers

Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing

I have updated a currently submitted Titanium app and added a watch extension using swift. Everything works fine if I build and test on sim and build directly to device. I only get an issue when I submit the app to the Apple app store (via XCode…
0 answers

Main differences between Appcelerator Titanium and React native

Both frameworks are (hybrid) mobile app frameworks which try to access the native UI components with the JavaScript API provided by the different platforms like iOS and Android. They don't use any HTML and CSS for the UI design like e.g. Ionic do…
1 answer

Appcelerator : BOMStream BOMStreamWithFileAndSys(int, off_t, size_t, int, char *, BomSys *)

This is the WARN that with the recent updates of Appcelerator appears in my console [WARN] : 2016-04-05 14:51:01.391 App Name[5489:210793] BOMStream BOMStreamWithFileAndSys(int, off_t, size_t, int, char *, BomSys *): read: Is a directory I don't…
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1 answer

Hyperloop and Google Mobile Ads SDK

I'm trying to use Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK in my appcelerator project since ti.admob ( doesn't seem to support rewarded ads. So I created a Podfile in the top project directory: install! 'cocoapods', …
2 answers

Failed to parse app's Info.plist appcelerator studio error

I have newly installed xCode and appcelerator studio following is the configuration : Operating System Name = Mac OS X Version = 10.11.6 Architecture = 64bit # CPUs …
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Appcelerator Hyperloop vs. Plain Titanium Modules

I've started playing around with Appcelerator Hyperloop. While it seems great to access native APIs from JS from day zero, it does raise a few questions about architecture of the platform and the performance. Currently (AFAIK) a Titanium app has a…
1 answer

Duplicate entry: org/appcelerator/titanium/gen/bindings.json in custom Android module

Setup / Problem I've create a custom Android module for Titanium to display Gif animations inside Ti. The module source code can be found here: The actual module is working fine but when I use it with a…
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Appcelerator Studio - Android app crashes on Marshmallow when I load a URL in video player

I download a video from my remote server and saving it in application data directory. Once it is completed I pass its URL to video player (UI element on my window). Then my app crashes. This is only happening on Marshmallow (Android version 6.0).…
1 answer

How to set event listeners in Cordova plugin

I would like to ask on how you can set your own event listener in your Cordova plugin. I have this Share dialog for my Android and I wanted to have my Javascript to set a listener for onShareDialogDismiss or onShareDialogLaunched What would likely…
Rene Padillo
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1 answer

Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent

Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent This is the latest SDK version I am selected to run my app: 8.0.2.GA
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