Questions tagged [sumo]

This tag applies to everything around the microscopic traffic simulation SUMO. This includes network conversion, routing problems and external interfacing especially using TraCI. It is also connected to tags like veins, simulation and routing.

SUMO is a free and open traffic simulation suite which is available since 2001. SUMO allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems including road vehicles, public transport and pedestrians. Included with SUMO is a wealth of supporting tools which handle tasks such as route finding, visualization, network import and emission calculation. SUMO can be enhanced with custom models and provides various APIs to remotely control the simulation.

The main support channel for the SUMO community is the mailing list

The core applications are written in C++ while the script tooling around it is in Python. Clients for external interfacing over the TraCI protocol are available in Python, Java, C++ and Matlab.

461 questions
1 answer

How is the number of vehicles determined? In Sumo route file or in omnetpp.ini?

When using veins as the framework coupling SUMO and omnet++, how is the number of vehicles determined? I know in the SUMO route file, we can put the number of vehicles in the flow tag. For example,
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2 answers

Veins Multiple Applications in multiples Vehicle types

in my simulation using OMNeT++, Veins, and SUMO i want run multiple applications according to their vehicle type, as specified in the .rou.xml file using type="XXX" For example: runs APP_private (using something…
2 answers

About vehicle number in VEINS

I modified the erlagen.rou.xml using duarouter to get the random routes for the vehicles. It looks like this:
1 answer

How to provide SUMO telemetry data?

I have created a SUMO simulation including a small map of a city and some vehicles driving around that map. Further on I have an empty Android Project with Google Maps initialized in it. On app start, it just shows Google Maps centered on that…
Ralf Wickum
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TraCI file has a priblem

I've written a little code in python for getting connected to sumo as follows: import traci traci.start(sumoCmd) step = 0 while step < 200: traci.simulationStep() traci.vehicle.add('x', typeID='DEFAULT_VEHTYPE') …
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0 answers

when test the grid scenario, there is an valueError

On flow tutorial_8, I tried another scenario: SimpleGridScenario I already check the, and followed the rules for the parameters. My origianl program is that: from flow.envs import Env from import Box from…
2 answers

SUMO ego vehicles keep right lane after a while

I'm using Webots to simulate an autonomous vehicle. I created the net files and sumo.rou.xml, but after starting the simulation, all ego vehicles will keep their right lane. I want to have traffic in all lanes. Is there anybody here to tell me how…
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1 answer

How does veins calculate RSSI in a Simple Path Loss Model?

We are working on an application based on Veins framework which needs RSSI value of received signal and the distance between sender and receiver. We referred to the VeReMi project which also calculates RSSI value and sends it to upper level. We…
Cong Chen
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1 answer

Omnet++ sumo and veins

I'am a beginner in omnetpp . i have to create a vehicle in omnet using inet then to connect it via veins to sumo how could i start my project.
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Control Multiple traffic light junctions in SUMO with TRACI

I'm trying to find a way to control the traffic lights at multiple junctions in a single simulation. I've a grid of 4 x 4 with 16 traffic lights and I want to test a Global algorithm for optimizing traffic flows at each junction in the grid. I'm…
2 answers

How to disable lane changes in SuMO?

I am using a TraCI call to set the lane change mode of a vehicle to 0 to disable all lane changing: TraCICommandInterface::setLaneChangeMode(0b000000000000); However, the vehicle still does a lane change afterwards. I also tried 256 (i.e.…
Julian Heinovski
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1 answer

How to begin a veins simulation at t > 0

I am working on veins simulation with LuST scenario. My goal is to choose a time period and begin my veins simulation at a certain moment, e.g. 6:00, of LuST. In SUMO, parameter "begin" can be modified so it's easy to set traffic flow. So I think it…
Jason Song
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1 answer

VEINS: Dynamic re-routing algorithm

In SUMO, while converting OSM file to SUMO compatible road network using DUAROUTER we can pass --routing.algorithm parameter to use one of these (default is Dijkstra). In veins demo app there is a logic to simulate accident and vehicles reroute on…
Ahmad Ahsan
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2 answers

How to get n number of vehicles for x sec of simulation using SUMO randomTrips script?

I am using Veins simulator, for creating cars with path I am using the following commands: python c:/DLR/Sumo/tools/ -n -e 1200 -l python c:/DLR/Sumo/tools/ -n -r test.rou.xml -e 1200 -l This…
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1 answer

Checking for duplicates in VEINS

I am new to Veins and trying to implement a mechanism to detect if the WSM packet was received before. I am using the "psid" as the main variable to identify the packet - is it correct? Will this type of code work? : bool…
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