Questions tagged [sumo]

This tag applies to everything around the microscopic traffic simulation SUMO. This includes network conversion, routing problems and external interfacing especially using TraCI. It is also connected to tags like veins, simulation and routing.

SUMO is a free and open traffic simulation suite which is available since 2001. SUMO allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems including road vehicles, public transport and pedestrians. Included with SUMO is a wealth of supporting tools which handle tasks such as route finding, visualization, network import and emission calculation. SUMO can be enhanced with custom models and provides various APIs to remotely control the simulation.

The main support channel for the SUMO community is the mailing list

The core applications are written in C++ while the script tooling around it is in Python. Clients for external interfacing over the TraCI protocol are available in Python, Java, C++ and Matlab.

461 questions
1 answer

Regarding IP address of SUMO server

I want to know the IP address to access SUMO ? Due to company's firewall policy, in order to access SUMO, I need IP address information. Thanks a lot, in advance. BR, Jongseob Baek
1 answer

how to implement different congestion avoidance techniques in veins

i have a graduation project with the title " congestion avoidance in VANet" , i found a good book which has a lot of congestion avoidance techniques (link of this book), now i have a problem of how can i make a good algorithms of these techniques,…
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1 answer

have error when execute (when try to execute Tutorials/TraCI4Traffic Lights)

i want to run this sumo example (Tutorials/TraCI4Traffic Lights) but when i try to run python i have this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\sumo-win32-0.29.0\sumo-0.29.0\docs\tutorial\traci_tls\", line 37, in…
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How to form clusters for VANETs using Sumo+Veins+Omnet++

I am working on a project involving spectrum sensing of VANETs. To do that, i need to specify formation of clusters and cluster heads to coordinate the whole process. My question is, how do i specify cluster formation? is it on the Omnet++ platform…
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2 answers

veins 4 alpha 2 download

Good morning everybody, I'm working on my thesis according to which I should compare results got with both VANET communications (Veins) and D2D communications (simuLTE). In order to run these simulations I need all the following tools running…
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1 answer

The main function in Omnet++

I'm working in a project that include the interaction of Sumo 0.30.0, veins 4.7.1 and Omnet++ 5.4.1 In a C++ project with object oriented programing is possible to define many classes, some of them can inherit from others, but the order of…
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OSM Web Wizard usage

Instead of manually counting number of vehicles and entering in OSM Web Wizard is there any possible way to interface it with a python code that run to count number of vehicles from a video clip? Is there a possibility to link the python file of…
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veins/sumo "hello world" example explanation

I have run the Veins/sumo "hello world" example successfully, now I am digging into its code so I can get some basics before writing my own scenario, the problem that I can't find where is the code responsible for creating the nodes (cars) and…
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TypeError: iteration over non-sequence in Python

I have a code that uses functions to calculate the closest edge of a station id based on its geographical coordinates. The output is a line like this (format xml): I need to extract only…
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Change vehicle target method

I created a method changeTarget in the file where I used the chageTarget TraCI command to change the destination. I want to know whether it is a correct implementation or not and also if the nodeId mentioned in the method is…
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1 answer

How can I stop whole application after a car arrives at destiny

The title is pretty self explanatory. I need to kill the whole simulation after a car arrives at his destiny, disregarding everything that happens next. How can I achieve such goal?
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