Questions tagged [sumo]

This tag applies to everything around the microscopic traffic simulation SUMO. This includes network conversion, routing problems and external interfacing especially using TraCI. It is also connected to tags like veins, simulation and routing.

SUMO is a free and open traffic simulation suite which is available since 2001. SUMO allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems including road vehicles, public transport and pedestrians. Included with SUMO is a wealth of supporting tools which handle tasks such as route finding, visualization, network import and emission calculation. SUMO can be enhanced with custom models and provides various APIs to remotely control the simulation.

The main support channel for the SUMO community is the mailing list

The core applications are written in C++ while the script tooling around it is in Python. Clients for external interfacing over the TraCI protocol are available in Python, Java, C++ and Matlab.

461 questions
2 answers

Error ([Errno 111] Connection refused) in veins (

i want to use veins, to co-simulate between OMNeT++ network simulator and SUMO road traffic simulator. Veins has sumo-launchd daemon (written in Python), that is designed to run in the background, listening for incoming requests. On each incoming…
1 answer

Why my system is not able to read src file from inet_veins in OMNET++?

This is the veins inet error Here I first installed omnet++ and then INET Veins now I'm getting the following error while integrating them in VANET: make MODE=release all cd src && /usr/bin/make make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/Shriya…
2 answers

How to create/generate vehicles from veins instead of SUMO

Currently, I am generating vehicles from SUMO and importing into veins. However, now I want to use large number of vehicles (from 100 to 1000) and I want their random generation (e.g., random start time and random speed). Can anyone help that i) how…
Yasir Saleem
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SyntaxError when runing "python examples/ singleagent_ring"

When I run python examples/ singleagent_ring I find the following error: file "examples/", line 201 **config ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Please any help?
1 answer

Veins:handleLowerMsg(cMessage* msg) does not get activated

I have to build a bit different message set. Thus I had to drift away from DemoBaseAppLayer and had to use directly BaseApplLayer. My ned files are almost sane, as provided by Vienes. I have to build App ned, used Car and Scenario from Viens. I…
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How to install SUMOLIB using Python3?

I am working on a project which has SUMOLIB module as a dependency on , but I have no idea how to install it. I tried doing pip install sumolib, but it shows me that no such module exists. Can someone tell me how to install SUMOLIB?
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How to create randomely driven cars on SUMO

Ok, what i want is to create cars which havn't predefined flows or trips, because i want to make some cars circulating randomely on a closed network. So i have a closed network and the only way i found to make something kinda similar to what i want…
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2 answers

How to use traci and sumo in python?

I am trying to simulate an intersection with traffic light and detectors and train a machine learning classifier to use the information from the detectors to set the traffic light phase. I am able to run the simulation using: import…
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2 answers

Omnet++ A cRuntimeError exception is about to be thrown std::length_error: basic_string::_M_create

so I get this error when i run my code Error in module (TraCIDemoRSU11p) RSUExampleScenario.rsu[0].appl (id=8) at event #4000, t=45.40151998544: std::length_error: basic_string::_M_create. TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a…
Hadeel A.
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1 answer

New to SUMo (Simulation of Urban MObility ) , need help to understand and solve it

i need to understand and find a possible solution to this problem.i am fairly new to this simulator but cannot find anything about the above mentioned problem
1 answer

Vanet cognitive radio simulation - do i need mixim?

I am implementing spectrum sensing for VANETs using SuMO, OMNeT++ and Veins. With these three, I believe I can simulate traffic scenarios. Is it also possible to perform spectrum sensing within the nodes (secondary users in VANETs) with only those 3…
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1 answer

Veins : TraCIMobility::getSignals() method information

Good afternoon. I'm using Veins v4.4 and Sumo 0.25 with Omnet++ v4.6. I was trying to get information about brakes and blinkers: I've found the VehicleSignal field in TraCISCenarioManager.h and the getSignals() method in TraCIMobility.h , but as…
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1 answer

MATLAB system does not run applications

I am trying to interact with SUMO via MATLAB according to script here. At line 43, the MATLAB command is system(['sumo-gui -c ' '"' scenarioPath '"' ' --remote-port 8873 --start&']); Since I am using Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, I fixed scenarioPath. Now,…
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1 answer

Incompatible and old pip packages.Many operations are not run stably in Flow Project

Most of the pip packages in Requirements.txt are minus versions and they are incompatible with each other, so can you send the updated requirements.txt file or pip package versions.Many operations are not run stably for this…
1 answer

Chnage or Update the route at run time in Veins SUMO in xml file

Please tell me any one knows about that How to update or change the route file at runtime in veins SUMO?
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