I am working on veins simulation with LuST scenario. My goal is to choose a time period and begin my veins simulation at a certain moment, e.g. 6:00, of LuST. In SUMO, parameter "begin" can be modified so it's easy to set traffic flow. So I think it might work to begin veins simulation at time t > 0 without simulating before t. However, OMNeT++ kernel seems only able to run from 0s.

So my question is: how to begin veins simulation directly at time t > 0? If not, can I reset the time of SUMO scenario (which is, e.g., 6*3600) to 0s so as to cooperate with OMNeT++ and enable normal veins simulation? Any advice will be appreciated!

Jason Song
  • 75
  • 8

1 Answers1


One way I find now is to edit the parameter firstStepAt in TraCIScenarioManager.ned. To be specific, add

*.manager.firstStepAt = 21600s

in omnetpp.ini.

This is a parameter to specify when to start synchronizing with TraCI and the default value is -1 (immediately after connecting to TraCI). After changing it to 21600s / 6:00, veins will connect to SUMO at 0s but not synchronize with SUMO until 6:00. Therefore, I only need to wait for sumo to run for 21600s, which is only a few seconds in reality.

Sorry for asking a immature question but I expect my experience can be helpful.

Jason Song
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