Questions tagged [sumo]

This tag applies to everything around the microscopic traffic simulation SUMO. This includes network conversion, routing problems and external interfacing especially using TraCI. It is also connected to tags like veins, simulation and routing.

SUMO is a free and open traffic simulation suite which is available since 2001. SUMO allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems including road vehicles, public transport and pedestrians. Included with SUMO is a wealth of supporting tools which handle tasks such as route finding, visualization, network import and emission calculation. SUMO can be enhanced with custom models and provides various APIs to remotely control the simulation.

The main support channel for the SUMO community is the mailing list

The core applications are written in C++ while the script tooling around it is in Python. Clients for external interfacing over the TraCI protocol are available in Python, Java, C++ and Matlab.

461 questions
1 answer

How to maintain constant number of vehicles through out the simulation in SUMO simulation?

I am a new to SUMO. Can someone help me on how to maintain the constant number of vehicles i.e. constant density, over the complete simulation period like for 1 hr. In this post, they said that using options --begin, --end. I didn't understand how…
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Is there a way to connect multiple TraCI modules to the OMNet++/veins simulation?

To launch any veins simulation veins_launchd daemon is used. It basically takes the sumo config file, finds an unused port, starts sumo and bridges the connection between sumo and OMNet++. Now as this is a socket-based communication, I want to…
2 answers

Omnet++5.0: Simulation terminated with exit code: -1073741819

I'm beginner at omnet++ and veins, I have just installed Omnet++ 5.0 (on Windows 10) and installed INET with it as well. I've added a new application traci named "obstacle" to block véhicules, I've changed the files erlangen.launchd.xml and…
2 answers

Sumo Logic: Count every matching string within a field

I have a parsed field and I need to count the number of times a given string appears within it. It seems relatively simple, but I've been searching through Sumo documentation and now I'm not sure this is even possible. Please help!
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veins examples cannot load library

I'm a master student beginner in simulations with omnet++. It's my first installation of omnet + veins + sumo for IVC simulations. I follow the veins tutorial I have omnet 5.5.1 sumo 1.3.1 veins 5.0 When I want to run veins examples I have this…
1 answer

Why is the value of CO2 emission calculated in the simulation different from the value stored in the .sca file?

In my simulation, I calculated the travel time and CO2 emission.I calculated CO2 emission using the following functions: double TraCICommandInterface::Vehicle::getCO2(std::string vehicle, std::string lane, std::string edge) { return…
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Why does the FINISH function run multiple times (in veins)?

I know in veins the FINISH function is done when the car comes out of the simulation. In My simulation, the car travel time is calculated.This parameter is stored in a file when the cars exit the simulation by the FINISH function. But when I check…
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How to change sizes of vehicle in Flow simulation?

It seems that we can only create a stable size of vehicles in Flow Simulation. How can we change the size(include length, width of car) of vehicles?
1 answer

Running the grid0 baseline benchmark in Flow

Repost from User Timo N. Hi guys, When running the grid0 baseline benchmark, I encountered a problem regarding the traffic lights. I adjusted the number of rows and columns to 1 so the scenario fits my needs. When running, the traffic lights have…
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How to integrate SUMO into Flow?

Repost from Antonio D.: I just installed FLOW following all the instructions given in the following link. After executing the sugiyama example, SUMO shows an error saying this: "Error: tcpip::Storage::readIsSafe: want to read 8 bytes from Storage,…
Fangyu Wu
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1 answer

Pedestrian Simulation in veins (omnet++/sumo)

I'm trying to run a pedestrian simulation from sumo in omnet++. To keep it easy (i am a beginner) I decided to use the Erlangen example provided with veins and extend it with a couple of pedestrians. I added the pedestrians in sumo and ran it. It…
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How to add multiple additional files in .sumocfg (SUMO)?

I have multiple Traffic Light Logics, each with specific signal plans. I've defined each junction specific logic in a file: J1.lgc.xml When I try to add these files to configuration file (J.sumocfg)
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How to combine veins with my existing SUMO simulation?

I have my own existing SUMO simulation for an intersection traffic control algorithm where I generate vehicles online, get their information, make planning decisions, and control every vehicle. I assumed perfect communication between vehicles and…
Qiang Lu
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1 answer

Communication between a car and a pedestrian in Veins

I would like to know how could I create a wireless communication between a car and a pedestrian (V2P) in Veins? Thanks a for your attention.
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How to check for an internal edge via TraCI?

I am trying to figure out whether an edge/lane is internal. When SuMO creates internal edges/lanes, it prefixes them with a colon [1]. Currently, I am exploiting this information, however, it seems that you also can annotate arbitrary other edges as…
Julian Heinovski
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