Questions tagged [sound-synthesis]

Periodic electric signals can be converted into sound by amplifying them and driving a loudspeaker with them. One way to do this is to simply add various amplitudes of the harmonics of a chosen pitch until the desired timbre is obtained, called additive synthesis. Another way is to start with geometric waves, which are rich in harmonic content, and filter the harmonics to produce a new sound- subtractive synthesis.

86 questions
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Why does this code produce a very noisy sine wave?

I'm trying to write a very simple sound synth in Java. I'm using the javax.sound.sampled package. The code below works, but the sine wave is very noisy and sounds like there's some kind of quiet warm noise played alongside the wave. try { …
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SID file format parsing

I want to write a parser for .sid files (music for C64 chiptunes) to extract some patterns into notes. I search for format and found this: I can read the header as in that…
1 answer

How to properly bend a note in an audio synthesis application?

Problem I'm trying to figure this out for a while to no avail - how to continuously change the pitch of a note between two frequencies. I'm generating the audio signal with a function similar to this: double SineGenerator(double time, double…
David Gouveia
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2 answers

Really simple wave synth/table in ios

I want to make a really simple synth. In short, i want to play a wav file, and have it loop at certain points until touch is released. I am looking for some example code, (doesn't need to be free). Sorry for such a basic question, i have been…
2 answers

How to implement an interpolating delay line and all pass filter with the karplus strong algorithm?

Ok, I've implemented the karplus strong algorithm in C. It's a simple algorithm to simulate a plucked string sound. You start with a ring buffer of length n (n = sampling freq/freq you want), pass it through a simple two point average filter y[n] =…
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3 answers

How to convert midi files to keypresses (in Python)?

I'm trying to read a MIDI file and then convert each note (midi number) to a simulated keypress on the keyboard (A,f,h,J,t...). I'm able to read any MIDI file with the python-midi library like this: pattern = midi.read_midifile("example.mid") and I…
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Arbitrary wave table for a custom oscillator

I need to create a specific custom waveform for an oscillator for use with Web Audio API. I have a Javascript function to output the desired waveform (calculating a y between -1 and 1 for any given x), and the plotted result looks like this:…
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clojure, literal vector differs from function result

I'm trying to make music with the overtone library of clojure. To produce interesting sounds, additive synthesis is useful, that means that I take sinus oscillators of several frequencies and simply add them. In overtone, to create a synthesizer,…
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what are the technical parameters to generate nokia sms sound?

Does anybody know the specs (or where to find them) for the traditional generic incoming SMS sound on Nokia phones (beep beep ..... beep beep .... )? (frequency, duration, pauses etc). seems, mobile phones of other makers have other sound palettes.…
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AudioKit: Infinite playtime and frequency shift for flute?

I can't seem to get the AudioKit instruments to behave the way I'd like: I want to be able to change the frequency continuously and also have the instruments play for an infinite amount of time, just like the oscillators. However, I can't even get a…
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1 answer

Are Continuous Frequency Changes for Synthesized Sound in Audiokit Possible?

I'm interested in developing a simple test application on ios (using Swift) in which moving the mouse cursor from left to right controls the frequency of the sound being played, according to a floating point position on a continuous grid. I'd be…
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Basic software synthesizer grows in latency over time

I'm in the process of finishing a MIDI controlled software synthesizer. The MIDI input and synthesis work alright, but I appear to have a problem one playing the audio itself. I'm using jackd as my audio server because of the possibility to…
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Set individual bins of FFT chain in SuperCollider

I am working on image-to-sound project and trying to implement additive syntheses in SuperCollider. I want to use inverse DFFT to sum over (hundreds of) sine waves instead of creating a SinOsc synth for each of them. All SuperCollider documentation…
Mitch Sitin
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1 answer

Synthesizing Singing

So this is from the late 90s ... Why hasn't this taken off? (We can synthesize photorealistic like images, but the synthesis of singing ... still seems to be in very primitive stages). What exactly…
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2 answers

What's a simple way to output homebrewed synthesized sound on Unix?

I want to do some sound synthesis on Mac OS X (and ideally other Unix-like OS) using ANSI C. This is for learning purposes rather than "I need a solution, any solution, quick!" Say I have an 8-bit buffer in my C program that I update 22050 times a…
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