Questions tagged [nokia]

Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Use this tag only for programming problems specifically related to Nokia-branded devices.

709 questions
12 answers

Qt - remove all widgets from layout?

This doesn't seem easy. Basically, I add QPushButtons through a function to a layout, and when the function executes, I want to clear the layout first (removing all QPushButtons and whatever else is in there), because more buttons just get appended…
4 answers

Qt or Symbian C++?

I am planing to develop on Symbian systems but I am not familiar with it. I know (might be) the most popular way of developing on Symbian is Symbian C++, and I also heard of Qt. What's the difference between them? If I want my app run on most of the…
Mickey Shine
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2 answers

J2ME Polish Application icon defaulting

I have a problem in a J2ME Polish app where basically we have 2 icons showing for the app (the menu icon and the in-app icon that shows up top). If I compile with a single icon and set it in the build.xml file it loads it to both sides, although…
Gonçalo Vieira
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6 answers

How to get started with Symbian (S60 plattorm)

So at my new job one of the platforms we use is S60 (Nokia phones, Symbian OS) and I am getting curious about it, as well feeling the need to help the team a bit from time to time (I actually work on the server side of things for this software). So…
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3 answers

How do I develop applications for Symbian OS of Mobile Phones like Nokia

I would like to develop applications for Symbian OS Phones and try another track other than programming in Java. I would like to experience how to program on mobile phones using C and C++. Can you please give some tips on what tools to use on…
Roy Marco Aruta
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2 answers

How to get selected listitem index in Qt

I am having a QListView which contains some items. Now I want to get the index of selected item, i.e. if I select 5th element I should get 5. How I can get this?
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4 answers

Does anyone know Nokia's strategy on Qt, Symbian, Maemo, MeeGo?

I don't know this question should or shouldn't be here but I wonder so much. What will Nokia do with Qt, Symbian (3rd, 5th, 1, 2, 3 ...) and MeeGo (Meego will be with symbian or will replace Symbian) and Maemo? Do you think it is good to learn Nokia…
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2 answers

Is there any SDK for the new Nokia 3310?

As confirmed by Nokia, the old phone is returning with new hardware. Will we be able to easily develop anything for the beloved phone?
Elliot Jalgard
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2 answers

Memory Management in Qt

HI all, I have small doubt about Qt memory management, Lets take an example of Listview, in listview we add each item by allocating memory dynamically. So in this case do we need to delete all the “new”ed items manually.. Eg: Qlistview *list = new…
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3 answers

How do I auto-adjust the size of a QDialog depending on the text length of one of its children?

I have a QDialog I'm working with. It is made somewhat like a QMessageBox. I noticed that the size of the QMessageBox (and the size of its label) depends on the size of the message displayed. How would I make the size of my QDialog adjust…
yan bellavance
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7 answers

Which phones support which J2ME (Java Micro Edition) spec?

I just can't find an up-to-date chart about which mobile devices support which Java Micro Edition version. I'm especially interested in Nokia smartphones and their support for the new JME 3.0. (I wonder that Sun doesn't seems to provide such…
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3 answers

How to create J2ME midlets for Nokia using Eclipse

Nokia has stopped offering its Developer's Suite, relying on other IDEs, including Eclipse. Meanwhile, Nokia changed its own development tools again and EclipseMe has also changed. This leaves most documentation irrelevant. I want to know what does…
Asaf R
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2 answers

Symbian S60 3rd ed. FP2 SDK registration

Using Nokia SDK emulator requires registration (at least for Symbian S60 3rd ed. FP2, S^3). Despite SDK is free, it asks for "username/serial" number or suggests to "load registration information from the file" after trial period. Since Nokia site…
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3 answers

Error: Deployment failed because no Windows Phone 8 phone was detected

I am using Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8. I have got three Windows Phone devices, lumia 620, 920, 1320 and these are all developer unlocked devices. The 620 device has got Windows Phone 8.1 preview installed. Whenever I'm trying to deploy a WP8…
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1 answer

difference between Nokia's MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan" and intel Meego?

Nokia has recently announced Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan. Some forums are saying that it is differed from intel MeeGo. Is it true? What is Maemo? Is Maemo same as MeeGo Harmattan? Where can we download SDK to develop applications for it with…
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