Questions tagged [sound-synthesis]

Periodic electric signals can be converted into sound by amplifying them and driving a loudspeaker with them. One way to do this is to simply add various amplitudes of the harmonics of a chosen pitch until the desired timbre is obtained, called additive synthesis. Another way is to start with geometric waves, which are rich in harmonic content, and filter the harmonics to produce a new sound- subtractive synthesis.

86 questions
2 answers

Android audiotrack getMinBufferSize() returning different values on different devices

I have an audio synthesis app that uses buffersize and a seekbar value to change the tempo. The smaller the buffer size, the faster the tempo. The seekbar value is subtracted from the buffer size; the further the seekbar is moved, the faster the…
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Free Wavetable Synthesizer?

I need to implement a wavetable synthesizer in an ARM Cortex-M3 core. I'm looking for any code or tools to help me get started. I'm aware of this AVR implementation. I actually converted it to a PIC a while back. Now I am looking for something…
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1 answer

How to play chords in ASM 8086?

I want to know what is the best way to play more then 1 note at the time in assembly. If you can, please add a procedure that explain your answer. Thanks!
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programmatically create thunder sound that covers specific duration

In a snow-simulation that I implemented there are thunderbolts in the background. I never before worked with any generic sound effects. What I am trying to ask is for a way to create a thunderclap sound programmatically so that I can define the…
0 answers

Sound Synthesis from object collision in Virtual Reality Environment

I have a project whose subject is "Sound Synthesis from object collision in Virtual Reality Environment" First of all, I have to define some objects with certain attributes (like shape, mass, material) and then I have to create sound from the…
2 answers

How to generate sin wave in AS3 without clicks?

I have started using sound to synthesis audio, I don't know why I get those noisy clicks sounds within the sounds? My loops is: for(i in 0...2048) { var phase:Float = position / 44100.0 * Math.PI * 2; position+=1; sample = Math.sin(phase * v); //…
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How to create "nice" sounding notes and music from simple user input?

I want to make something remotely similar to DinahMoe's "plink". In plink you click your mouse to play notes whose pitch is proportional to your mouse height. I can see that the height is divided into multiple "stripes" so you don't have some kind…
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Recording a WAV file using SuperCollider

I wrote the following code to define a SynthDef that records a sound into the buffer passed as one of the parameters. ( SynthDef(\recordTone, { |freq, bufnum, duration| var w = *,1,duration,add: -1) / 100; …
1 answer

Synthesizing a realistic bounce sound for maze tilt marble game

In considering the design of marble-in-maze games where you tilt the table to get the ball to the end of the maze without going down one of the holes, I wonder whether anyone here has considered the modelling of the sound of the ball hitting the…
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What is this ph parameter?

I was testing out this code I found for a little audio app in android and I'm a bit stuck on something. short samples[] = new short[buffsize]; int amp = 32767; double twopi = 2*Math.PI; double fr = 262.f; double ph = 0.0; while(isRunning) { fr…
Kevin Ossia
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java DSP synth strange behaviour

I am trying to play a signal saved on a byte array, using javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine. I am trying for a start to play a simple sine wave. For some frequencies (for instances 1000Hz, 400Hz) it works well, but for others (1001, 440) I am only…
oded wolff
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Generate sine wave to play middle C using PortAudio

I am having trouble generating specific frequencies in PortAudio, whenever I try and change the frequency inside of the sin(n * FREQ * 2 * PI / SAMPLE_RATE) the frequency remains the same however the sound does seem to change in timbre, the higher…
1 answer

Doppler/synthesis effect in Android?

In Android, the API allows for playing sound effects. I'm wondering how I should alter the parameters to achieve a doppler effect: public final int play ( int soundID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume, int…
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Realtime time playing of synthesised sounds in C#

I'm trying to write a mini synth program. Essentially, every 200mS a timer is fired. When this is fired, 200mS worth of PCM samples are generated by the loop (e.g. sawtooth, sine wave etc, etc.), the number of samples related to the sample rate and…
2 answers

Arduino Piezo Knock Sensor Play Tones

I would like to hook up several piezos to an arduino so that, when they are activated each piezo plays/triggers a separate tone. For instance, I'll have five piezos connected to the arduino - when I apply pressure to each one they play a separate…
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