Questions tagged [sound-synthesis]

Periodic electric signals can be converted into sound by amplifying them and driving a loudspeaker with them. One way to do this is to simply add various amplitudes of the harmonics of a chosen pitch until the desired timbre is obtained, called additive synthesis. Another way is to start with geometric waves, which are rich in harmonic content, and filter the harmonics to produce a new sound- subtractive synthesis.

86 questions
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What's wrong with this simple FM synth design?

I'm trying to implement some features of a Yamaha YM3812 sound chip (aka OPL2 in JavaScript using Audiolet (a synthesis library, Audiolet allows you to build a…
10 answers

Where to start on iOS audio synth?

I know this is a very broad topic, but I've been floundering around with demos and my own tests and am not sure if I'm attacking the problem correctly. So any leads on where I should start would be appreciated. The goal is to have the app generate…
Dave Sanders
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7 answers

Using supercollider with python

I want to do some real time sound processing and I heard about supercollider and it looks great, but I want to stick to python as far as 'normal' programming is the issue. Is there any way to load a python script as a module to supercollider or the…
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6 answers

Sound of a rolling ball

I'm looking for the most realistic way of playing sound of a rolling ball. Currently I'm using a Wav sample that I play over and over as long as the ball is moving - which just doesn't feel right. I've been thinking about completely synthesizing the…
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Lightweight open source software synth library on pure C (possibly C++). PCM.?

Are there any portable open source libraries that support sample-based synthesis and encapsulate producing and mixing simple PCMs? I really need something minimalistic and decoupled from operating system audio output mechanisms.
Boris Treukhov
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6 answers

Sound Synthesis Framework in C/C++/Objective-C?

I've searched the net but didn't found anything interesting. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'm looking for sound synthesis API written on C, C++ or even Objective-C, which can synthesize different types of waves, effects are optional.
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2 answers

How to easily Generate Synth Chords Sounds in Android?

How to easily Generate Synth Chords Sounds in Android? I wanna be able to generate dynamically an in game Music using 8bit. Tried with AudioTrack, but did not get good results of nice sounds yet. Any examples out there? I have tried the following…
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2 answers

Has anybody some advice on programming realtime audio synthesis?

I'm currently working on a personal project: creating a library for realtime audio synthesis in Flash. In short: tools to connect wavegenarators, filters, mixers, etc with eachother and supply the soundcard with raw (realtime) data. Something like…
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5 answers

How to compute sine wave with accuracy over the time

Use case is to generate a sine wave for digital synthesis, so, we need to compute all values of sin(d t) where: t is an integer number, representing the sample number. This is variable. Range is from 0 to 158,760,000 for one hour sound of CD…
4 answers

Reduce harmonics generating a pure tone in Java

I'm trying to develop an static method in Java to generate a pure tone. In the begining it seemed easy, but when I've try to write the double array to the loudspeakers I appreciate too much harmonics. I test it with an spectrum analyzer (sonometer)…
Gabi Moreno
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2 answers

In Java, is there a way to synthesize a tone of a specific frequency?

I'm doing some work with binaural beats and am trying to build a Java application that can play two sounds at slightly different frequencies...around 25-30Hz difference. In a perfect world, I'd like to give Java two integer inputs, say 440 and 410,…
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4 answers

FFT Pitch Detection - Melody Extraction

I am creating a pitch detection program that extracts the fundamental frequency from the power spectrum obtained from the FFT of a frame. This is what I have so far: divide input audio signal into frames. multiply frame with a Hamming…
my MDB
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4 answers

Android sound synthesis

I am trying to play a synthesized sound (basically 2 sine waves and some noise) using the AudioTrack class. It doesn't seem to be any different than the SourceDataLine in javax.sound.sampled, BUT the synthesis is REALLY SLOW. Even for ARM standards,…
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1 answer

How to interface Java midi to other applications

Hi I am programming Java on Windows and am very new to working with MIDI interfaces. I have managed to get java to play midi sounds through Synthesizer objects, natively through the computers speaker however I wish to send midi messages on the fly…
Skip Adam
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1 answer

Flash AS3 Software Synthesizer

I've been looking for a software synthesizer in AS3 for quite some time now, but without any success. I'm trying to build a score editor / player in AS3 and I have managed to build (a very crude) one using the SiON synthesizer. However, it is not…
Pranav Hosangadi
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