Questions tagged [amazon-quicksight]

Amazon QuickSight is a product offering from Amazon that provides a "business analytics" service in order to visualize your data, perform ad hoc data analysis, and also derive useful business insights from the supplied data. Use this tag for programming questions related to Amazon QuickSight. Questions related to the usage of the product itself are not on topic for Stack Overflow.


458 questions
3 answers

How to make MSCK REPAIR TABLE execute automatically in AWS Athena

I have a Spark batch job which is executed hourly. Each run generates and stores new data in S3 with the directory naming pattern DATA/YEAR=?/MONTH=?/DATE=?/datafile. After uploading the data to S3, I want to investigate it using Athena. Also, I…
4 answers

Visualize DynamoDB data in AWS Quicksight

I am looking for an AWS-centric solution (avoiding 3rd party stuff if possible) for visualizing data that is in a very simple DynamoDB table. We use AWS Quicksight for many other reports and dashboards for our clients so that is goal to have…
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Refresh AWS Quicksight automatically

I do not want a scheduled refresh which according the documentation is daily, weekly, monthly. I want to refresh whenever I want, but without going on Quicksight and manually pressing refresh. Wondering if it's possible to automatically refresh…
3 answers

Copy AWS QuickSight analysis to another account

We have a lot of AWS quicksight reports in one account, which needs to be migrated to another account. Within the same account, we can use the 'save-as' feature of the dashboard to create a copy of the report, but is there any way to export the…
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1 answer

How to select today's date as default date in QuickSight Controls?

In below dashboard, I want to set date control to default as today's date. So that whenever the page load the default filter gets applied for today's date. I am using this parameter in my filters.
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Making an accumulated sum graph with QuickSight

How can I make an accumulated sum graph with AWS QuickSight? For example, I have a dataset that contains the sales for each day. I want to make a line graph for each month that has the accumulated sells day by day. So if the dataset is: Day1 = 10…
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Is there a way to create Quicksight analysis purely through code (boto3)?

What I currently have in my Quicksight account is a Data Source (Redshift), some datasets (some Redshift views) and an analysis (graphs and charts that use the datasets). I can view all of these on the AWS Quicksight Console. But when I use boto3 to…
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How to make a copy of a QuickSight analysis?

This must be a silly question. I know how to do a "save as" for a dashboard (don't really need that, but any way). But now I have a analysis with a lot of settings (parameters & filters) and want to reuse my work in a new analyses. But how do I make…
Nils B
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Scheduling reports & data driven alerts in Amazon Quicksight

I am exploring Amazon Quicksight as a cloud-based BI tool. We have some nice to have requirements like Schedule Reports on a monthly basis on the same set of datasets. This needs to be delivered to the intended audience every month on a specific…
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Since QuickSight can directly query S3, when would we need to use Athena as data source for QuickSight?

May be I am missing something but I am not able to understand what benefit I will get if I connect Athena with QuickSight instead of connecting QuickSight directly with S3. Please help me to understand this.
Anand Shaw
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0 answers

Quicksight not showing months with no data (null?)

My visual's x-axis is Date, aggregated by month, and the y-axis is total sales (sum of costs). For some months, I had no sales, but Quicksight ignores these and only shows me the months that do have data in them, even though I want the exact number…
2 answers

AWS Quicksight - MAX Data calculation but display date

How Can I MAX a date but display it on the Analysis/Dashboard? I am aware I can use the following to max a date: extract('YYYY',OrderCreatedDate) * 365 + extract('MM',OrderCreatedDate) * 31 + extract('DD',OrderCreatedDate) But how I can put it back…
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Quicksight reports from schema based multi tenancy on postgres

For a multi tenant SaaS product we want to be able to build canned reports for customers from a schema based tenancy model (not the row level security). Is it possible to do this on AWS Quicksight? It looks like you need to select a particular table…
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5 answers

Display Date as Local Timzone, not UTC in AWS Quicksight

So reading through the AWS Quicksight docs, I have found the following information. Handling Date Time Zones: Amazon QuickSight uses UTC time for querying, filtering, and displaying date data. When date data doesn't specify a time zone, Amazon…
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1 answer

amazon quicksights compare time periods

Can line charts or bar charts compare two time periods? Example compare sales revenue between 2017 to 2016 by month, to see how Jan 2017 compares to Jan 2016, Feb 17 to Feb 16, etc. In the chart I'd like to see whether I'm up or down between the…
Gary W
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