Questions tagged [payment]

The process of transferring money, normally in exchange for some product or service

The possibility of paying for services or products is an important feature in many applications. Obviously it is very important that it works properly and is also save against malicious attacks.

2984 questions
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UNIQUE constraint failed: restaurant_payment.transaction_id in django 3

I want to make payment for my project. when clicked button Make Payment in my checkout, field customer and order will be filled automatically and redirect to template PaymentView for enter customer full name, and proof of payment. But i get this…
1 answer

Wordpress losing session with chrome

since a few weeks we are noticing, that customers returning from checkout sporadically lose their login status. We have found out that this happens only with chrome versions around 88. What I was able to find out was, that the usual…
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Invoice and receipt statements API for 'My account'

I want to add Payment History to a user's account. On this page, a user should see payments received (via PayPal) and payments made (via Stripe or PayPal). I want them to be able to download the receipts in PDF form as shown here in a mockup: Mock…
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PayPal + PHP - Fetch incoming payments (start_time / end_time)

My goal is to list up all incoming(!) PayPal payments from a certain date (e.g. all received payments from March 09th 2021) with PHP/curl. Reading PayPal's GetStarted section I also recognized that there was a API version change from V1 to V2:…
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How to get payment Details at PayPal Subscription with php?

Im setting up a subscription with PayPal and php. So far I know that if the event PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED is called the payment was successful. To process the payment at my webhook I need more details about the payment (Who payed? What plan or…
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Different Different charges on each payment transaction

I am developing one shopify app and I want to integrate the stripe payment and In future paypal also. I want to set the different different charges on each payment transaction given example below Whenever any customer pay for the order then below…
0 answers

paymentState field is always returning 0 value in Android Auto-renewal Subscription Receipts

I am trying to integrate Server-to-Sever InApp Auto-renewal Subscription with Google Play, and while executing Subscription tests i have noticed that field paymentState is always retrieved with value "0". I am looking for a way to detect User's…
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Invalid return invalid client_id or redirect_uri

Currently i'm trying to connect with paypal oauth login on my web app. However I'm getting this error The clientside code