Questions tagged [in-app-purchase]

In-app purchase (IAP) usually refers to the acquisition of a feature for an application from within the application itself or the buying of digital goods from within an application. Use this tag for questions about writing code for the buying process. Questions about app-store policies or about specific transactions are off-topic on Stack Overflow and should not be posted.

In-app purchases (IAP) are digital goods which, when bought from within an app, often either unlock new features, enable the user to skip mundane tasks or provide additional content.
Such purchases were made popular by Apple's iOS SDK, iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads, but are not limited in any way to these platforms.

Don't ask questions about the transaction process itself, except where it pertains to coding problems. Remember that Stack Overflow cannot answer questions specific to Customer Support

How to Implement In-App Purchase:


8671 questions
5 answers

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application?

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS app? What are all the details and is there any sample code? This is meant to be a catch-all of sorts for how to add in-app purchases to iOS apps
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3 answers

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7

I have read a lot of docs and code that in theory will validate an in-app and/or bundle receipt. Given that my knowledge of SSL, certificates, encryption, etc., is nearly zero, all of the explanations I have read, like this promising one, I have…
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8 answers

Clearing purchases from iOS in-app purchase sandbox for a test user

Does anyone have any ideas on how to reset and/or clear the iOS in-app purchase sandbox? I have an app that I'm testing with the sandbox, and I'd like to test new purchases without having to create a new test user every time I purchase something. If…
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7 answers

How to verify purchase for android app in server side (google play in app billing v3)

I have a simple app (needs user login with account). I provide some premium features for paid users, like more news content. I need to record if the user has bought this item in my server database. When I provide data content to user's device, I can…
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16 answers

In-App Purchases stuck in "Missing Metadata" state

I am trying to set up in-app purchases but I don't know how to get rid of the "Missing Metadata" shown below. The only yellow dot I see from the page is the "Localizations" section, but I completed the "Display Name" and "Description". I don't know…
Lynn Kim
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18 answers

the item you requested is not available for purchase

I'm trying to integrate Android Market in-app purchases into my app, but unfortunately coming across an annoying error every time I try to purchase a real inapp product. I've taken the sample application (Dungeons) and added it to my app. I've…
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17 answers

"Cannot connect to iTunes Store" in-app purchases

I am having problems testing my in-app purchases. I get back valid product identifiers, but upon purchase I receive the dreaded "Cannot connect to iTunes Store". Interesting thing is that restore purchases seems to work - iTunes login pops up. I…
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5 answers

Android : inApp purchase receipt validation google play

I am using google wallet for my payment gateway, after purchasing the product google giving me a below response that { "orderId":"12999763169054705758.1371079406387615", "packageName":"", "productId":"exampleSku", …
Binil Surendran
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10 answers

Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing

Since a couple of days it's possible to use in-app-billing in Android apps. Very cool of course. So, I started working on a update for my application to implement this. But now I run into some problems. This is what I did: I first tried the…
Peter Fortuin
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6 answers

iTunes account creation not allowed when trying to test In-App Purchases

I have an app in the App Store and I want to test in-app purchases. I followed the steps described on the Apple website but I'm facing some problems. When I try to log in in the iTunes in my application or in Settings/iTunes & App Stores, I receive…
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26 answers

iPhone Store Kit "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

I am working on adding In-App purchases to my app. I am able to receive the productsRequest:didReceiveResponse method, and receive the array of products. My problem arises when I add a SKPayment to the SKPaymentQueue. After I add the product to the…
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10 answers

iPhone in-app purchase screen shot

When posting an in-app purchase with Apple they ask for a screenshot to be included before going to review. What kind of screenshots do they want? My in-app purchase unlocks some of the lite version, I'm not sure what Apple wants to see here.
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4 answers

Use in_app or latest_receipt_info for getting latest receipt for auto-renewable iOS 7 style transactions?

I am trying to verifying that an auto-renewable In App purchase has not expired server side (not on a device). I am using Apple's Grand Unified Receipt (iOS 7 style transactions). The response returned by Apple contains in_app and…
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13 answers

Testing in-app billing: "The publisher cannot purchase this item"

My app seems ready to get a 'real life' test for an in-app purchase procedure on my device. However, I receive an "The publisher cannot purchase this item" error message in Play Store. Now, how am I supposed to test this? I don't want to lose my…
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8 answers

Android - In App Purchase - you need to add the BILLING permission to your APK

I have been facing a IN - App Purchase problem since long time. I need to integrate In-App functionality in my Android Application, but When I upload the APK file to the play store, it does not allow me to add SKU values. To add in-app products, you…
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