Questions tagged [ansi]

ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute. Please do not use this tag, see the full tag wiki for alternatives.

American National Standards Institute

"The Institute oversees the creation, promulgation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector: from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution, and many more. ANSI is also actively engaged in accrediting programs that assess conformance to standards – including globally-recognized cross-sector programs such as the ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environmental) management systems."


Instead of using this tag, please use:

  • for questions about the C language standard colloquially known as ANSI C
  • for questions about ANSI character encoding (which is actually obsolete, imprecise, and incorrect terminology; perhaps see the next item instead)
  • for questions about ANSI codepages (possibly with )
  • for questions about standard SQL
  • for questions about ANSI escape sequences and ANSI colors on terminals
  • for questions about the datatype in Delphi
  • for questions about the ISO C++98 programming language standard
978 questions
2 answers

Unicode, UTF, ASCII, ANSI format differences

What is the difference between the Unicode, UTF8, UTF7, UTF16, UTF32, ASCII, and ANSI encodings? In what way are these helpful for programmers?
web dunia
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10 answers

What is ANSI format?

What is ANSI encoding format? Is it a system default format? In what way does it differ from ASCII?
web dunia
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3 answers

Where can one find the C89/C90 standards in PDF format?

I’m looking for a free copy version of the C89/C90 standard, but I can’t find it anywhere! Why is so hard to find it? C99 and C11 standards are very easy to get a copy of on Internet. Even in the Stack Overflow questions Where do I find the current…
The Mask
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5 answers

An Eclipse console view that respects ANSI color codes?

The output from ScalaTest is colored to distinguish different states, but these end up as control codes and [34m Annoying garbage Is there any way to convince the Eclipse console to either respect or ignore these sequences, or to plug in a view…
Duncan McGregor
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3 answers

How to read an ANSI encoded file containing special characters

I'm writing a TFS Checkin policy, which checks if our source files containing our file header. My problem is, that our file header contains a special character "©" and unfortunately some of our source files are encoded in ANSI. So if I read these…
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4 answers

ANSI Color Codes in VIM

I have a script that generates a log file with ANSI color codes in them like so: [2012-05-14 18:00:02] ^[[0mINF: -- Starting update script --^[[0m [2012-05-14 18:00:29] ^[[91mERR: Improper date, entry being ignored.^[[0m Is there any way to get Vim…
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4 answers

What is the significance of January 1, 1601?

This structure is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. Reference: Why it is set "since 1601"? Why not unix time 1970 or even 2000? What can I…
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11 answers

Text editor/viewer with ANSI codes rendering support for Windows

I need some tool to display text containing ANSI codes correctly on Windows. No full support needed, but at least coloring/bold is a must. Reason: My logger/debug module produce nicely rendered rich output with important sections colored using ANSI…
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1 answer

Read and Write Text in ANSI format

Please have a look at the following code import*; public class CSVConverter { private File csvFile; private BufferedReader reader; private StringBuffer strBuffer; private BufferedWriter writer; int startNumber = 0; …
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6 answers

C++ project type: unicode vs multi-byte; pros and cons

I'm wondering what the Stack Overflow community thinks when it comes to creating a project (thinking primarily c++ here) with a unicode or a multi-byte character set. Are there pros to going Unicode straight from the start, implying all your…
Stefan Valianu
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4 answers

How do I display ANSI color codes in emacs for any mode?

I have a log file that uses ANSI escape color codes to format the text. The mode is fundamental. There are other answered questions that address this issue but I'm not sure how to apply it to this mode or any other mode. I know the solution has…
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6 answers

json_encode() non utf-8 strings?

So I have an array of strings, and all of the strings are using the system default ANSI encoding and were pulled from a SQL database. So there are 256 different possible character byte values (single byte encoding). Is there a way I can get…
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3 answers

Colored text output in PowerShell console using ANSI / VT100 codes

I wrote a program which prints a string, which contains ANSI escape sequences to make the text colored. But it doesn't work as expected in the default Windows 10 console, as you can see in the screenshot. The program output appears with the escape…
8 answers

Colorama for Python, Not returning colored print lines on Windows

I've installed colorama for python. I've imported the module as follows: import colorama from colorama import init init() from colorama import Fore, Back, Style print Fore.RED + "My Text is Red" and it returns the ANSI charaters.... esc[31mMy Text…
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2 answers

GCC options for strictest C code?

What GCC options should be set to have GCC as strict as possible? (and I do mean as strict as possible) I'm writing in C89 and want my code to be ANSI/ISO compliant.
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