Questions tagged [shopify]

Shopify is an online platform for creating e-commerce sites and other dynamic websites.

Shopify is an online platform for creating e-commerce sites as well as powerful and dynamic websites. It is themeable and extensible with a RESTful API. The frontend is fully customizable with the use of the open source Liquid markup language.

The backend data (customers, products, orders, blogs, pages, collections...) has no limits with the magic of the flexible/dynamic/infinite database fields called Metafields.

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Use this Stack Overflow tag to ask questions related to Shopify.

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6568 questions
13 answers

What's the source of Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN?

My server threw this today, which is a Node.js error I've never seen before: Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11) at errnoException (dns.js:32:15) at…
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5 answers

Enabling Liquid templating syntax highlight in webStorm/phpStorm

I wonder if someone managed to enable the Liquid templating engine syntax highlighting in WebStorm IDE, I work a lot on Shopify stores and really like using Webstorm for that purpose. Did anyone managed to get this working? I found some resources…
Ilia luk
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1 answer

Convert string to integer in Shopify Liquid?

I just read this related answer: How can I convert a number to a string? - Shopify Design — Ecommerce University To convert a string to a number just add 0 to the variable: {% assign variablename = variablename | plus:0 %} Not super elegant but it…
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5 answers

How do I set up a session value in Capybara?

I am developing an app for Shopify and I want to do integration testing. I need to be able to store some values in the session variable, so that authentication works. How could I do that? I use Capybara and Capybara-webkit.
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4 answers

webpack-merge merge is not a function

I have trying to add react in the shopify theme. So configured react, webpack, babel manually. const merge = require('webpack-merge'); const common = require("./webpack.common.js") module.exports = merge(common, { mode:…
5 answers

Adding custom CSS and JS to Shopify

I am working on getting vertical tabs for a page on Shopify, using the 'Atlantic' theme. As this theme does not have vertical tabs by default, I have used the external JS and CSS "jquery-jvert-tabs". My question is, if I upload the JS and CSS…
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9 answers

Shopify Theme with Compass and Sass

Does anyone have a workflow for developing Shopify themes with Compass and Sass? I am really close, I just need to figure out how to not make Sass barf on the CSS liquid tags. Here's what I've got: A sass/compass project in directory (ex:,…
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2 answers

Date Math / Manipulation in Liquid Template Filter

I'm constructing an "Integration URL" in, which uses the Shopify Liquid Template filter syntax. This URL needs to contain a "start date" and an "end date" for a query where the start date is 7 days ago and the end date is right now. To…
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6 answers

How do I retrieve a specific product in Shopify Liquid?

I have a list of product handles, and I want to fetch the product based on this handle. It seems there is no way to tell Liquid to go and get a single product. I could do this with the API, but if I use the API then I have to use JavaScript, and I…
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4 answers

Setting Content-Type in Django HttpResponse object for Shopify App

I'm working on a Shopify app using Django, which I am hosting on a VPS with nginx and gunicorn. I am trying to change the Content-Type of an HttpResponse object to application/liquid, so that I can use Shopify's application proxy feature, but it…
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1 answer

Shopify - New order using the Shopify API - how to know tax and shipping?

We have built an e-commerce web application (Node backend, Vue frontend). We process the payment using Stripe, but many brands have asked us if the order and inventory control can be done in Shopify. We are trying to figure out the best way…
Drew Baker
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3 answers

Shopify App development tutorials

I'm not sure if this is the right forum since I do not have a specific development question - but here goes :) I'm looking into creating a Shopify app to use on my Shopify shop's frontend. I've been looking through the Shopify documentation and…
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2 answers

Get shopify Metafields for products in one call

I have been trying to get metafields for over 100 products and that means I have to make separate 100 api calls for each product. If there is a way to grab all metafields for all products just in one xml file like the way variants are attached to…
Bayuo Blaise
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1 answer

Print_r equivalent in Liquid

In Liquid, how can I find out all the values that a collection contains? Is there a print_r function or similar? The example below will return the item title, but I would like to know what other variables item also holds. item.title Thanks.
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3 answers

Overriding difficult view model

I am trying to replace some text in an input field using JS but the view model overrides my commands each time. This is the HTML I start with:
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