Questions tagged [checkout]

Checkout is the process of finishing a transaction after using a shopping application for some time.

In a typical shopping application the user can add part to a shopping cart, before actually buying anything. The actual process of buying is the checkout process. It typically consists of providing or selecting shipping and/or billing address and providing some means of payments.

See also

The term "checkout" is also used in the context of version control systems. For those questions, use the vcs specific tags (e.g ) or

2286 questions
3 answers

Express Checkout error message: "Security header is not valid"

I'm implementing Express Checkout in PayPal. I have no problem with the first two steps, SetExpressCheckout and GetExpressCheckout. But when I use DoExpressCheckout, I encounter the error "Security header is not valid". The API credentials are the…
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How to remove "Remember me everywhere" option from Stripe checkout form

I am using Stripe Payment processor on my site. I have integrated the following form for Stripe Checkout. I want to remove the "Remember me everywhere" option from the form.
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Tax Rate in new Stripe Checkout

I've implemented the new Stripe Checkout on my NodeJS server, but I cannot specify the Tax Rate for Invoicing. As per my understanding Tax Rates should be specified in the Payment Intent API. Fact is that the new Checkout automatically creates a…
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Getting order data after successful checkout hook

In WooCommerce, I would like to send a request to an API once the customer has successfully checked out. Its basically a website where the client is selling online courses (Like udemy). When the customer checks out, I would like to send an API…
4 answers

Stripe Checkout Price error - Invalid Integer

I have a stripe account and am using the test API keys. I have created a Plan with following info - { "amount": 995, "created": 1418800758, "currency": "usd", "id": "c06e1791-1c6a-45fe-9c26-8f0c07dda967", "interval": "month", …
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Hide Added to Cart message in Woocommerce

I want to remove the "xx product has been added to your cart" message from the top of my checkout page. How can I do that? There was a suggestion by someone (link below), but it didn't work for me. Remove/Hide Woocommerce Added to Cart Message but…
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Git: Howto move changes since last commit to a new branch

I have been working on a branch which we can call "A". I just realized that the code I have added since I last committed should rather be in a specific (experimental) branch, but not in "A". How can I commit the changes to a new branch and leave…
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4 answers

Custom validation of WooCommerce checkout fields

I would like add my own regular expression for validating the phone number. In my class-wc-validation.php I have changed the regular expression to my requirement. public static function is_phone( $phone ) { //if ( strlen( trim( preg_replace(…
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WooCommerce - Disable shipping for downloadable purchases

I've just set up a Woocommerce based webstore and I'm very happy with it so far, but I've come across something that isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, though it's annoying for the customer. Some context: the store is for my band website and sells…
Alex Holmes
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1 answer

eBay Order API throwing error in sandbox environment

In ebay Order API - initiateCheckoutSession (guest checkout), adding credit card information returns error. I am testing in sandbox environment. API : Request Body: { …
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Magento: Bundle not adding to cart

I made a custom Magento extension that would allow bundled product types to be associated with a "parent" bundle product. For example, if I was selling computer parts and I created a bunch of SIMPLE PRODUCT types (e.g., keyboard, mouse, monitor,…
Simon Song
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3 answers

PayPal checkout - credit card tab by default

Is there anyway to make that the part where you enter your credit card information is open by default, instead of the part where you enter your paypal information? I really need this, but wasn`t able to find anywhere!
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Paypal Express Checkout insists on phone number even though option turned off (calling from Magento)

I'm using the Paypal 'Express Checkout' option in Magento. (I'm not using any express checkout buttons, it's just because I was having problem with returning from Website Payments Standard). In Paypal's Website Payment Preferences, I've set the…
Mick O'Hea
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WooCommerce: How to retain checkout info when client leaves then comes back?

Is there a simple way or a plugin to retain checkout information entered by the client after he/she leaves and comes back? This plugin retains "fields information for customers when they navigate back and forth" however it has quite a lot of recent…
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Adding Cart items Ruby on Rails

I am developing a very basic shopping cart and the issue I am having is that if I add more than one of the same product to my shopping cart I am not seeing the quantity increase and am instead just seeing multiple versions of the item. For example…
Tom Pinchen
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