Questions tagged [payment]

The process of transferring money, normally in exchange for some product or service

The possibility of paying for services or products is an important feature in many applications. Obviously it is very important that it works properly and is also save against malicious attacks.

2984 questions
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payment method for ios version

i am creating an iOS app , its for my shop so i sell products , so when the client will place an order i use methods : pay with bank card ( i got the code from my bank ). my question is : should i add apple pay to can be accepted on apple store ? or…
0 answers

How to create invoiceitem for recurring pricing in stripe

The flow we have in the project: Customer came to our site We created a customer in stripe Then the customer has created a subscription We have cut the balance from the customer's credit card. Now customers want to access some extra features which…
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I am trying to integrate stripe JS payment in my project related to space renting site and i want to add recurring payments , and i am stuck there

As I'm working on a storage booking project, there are multiple hosts who add multiple storages for rents, having different plan type i.e. weekly, monthly, and yearly and each has different pricing, SO when users try to book that storage, and they…
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Develop server one payment lifetime access

How you doing? Hope fine! Im Martin from Argentina. I create this question because months ago, I've found a host that provides you development servers, for life just with one payment. Do you know this web? Can you recommend me a hosting like…
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Stripe Payment Method Api is working Good but No payment is shown in Stripe TEST Account

I am new to Strip API ,i have configure the API of stripe in my Laravel project , when i hit the api the response in "200 ok" but there is no payment shown in my Stripe Test Account , where as logs in developer mode says that is successful hit. I am…
0 answers

Set specific membership price for each member each month

I have project that allow my clients to have some services of mine, and every end of a month, each member have specific amount to pay me. I'm searching for a system that helps me to get paid. For example i imagine a wordpress website with membership…
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Best way to split a payment using the Smart Payments Button

I am setting up the Paypal integration for a Clients website. He has a page where users can buy stuff that others users sell and he wants the buyers to pay using Paypal, he also wants the payment to be charged a fee, so that a percentage of the…
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Cannot use object of type PayPal\Api\Amount as array

I have an error: "Cannot use object of type PayPal\Api\Amount as array", I kinda confused what's the first thing to fix. Here are the errors: E:\laragon\www\thepaymentss\app\Http\Controllers\PaypalController.php if (empty(Input::get('PayerID'))…
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Stripe: batch multiple transactions from one customer into a single charge and optimise micropayments

My use case is the following, users have to buy items one by one in my app and at the end of the day I'll capture the payments of all transactions previously made. Problem is that Stripe charge 2.9% + 30 cents for each transaction and I'd like to…
Yogi Bear
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Unable to get UPI response on web

I am trying to integrate UPI payments in an app and website. Everything works fine when I form the url (an example below) and launch an Intent on Android. upi://pay?pa=abc@xyz&pn=ABC I get the response in the calling Android app using…
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What type of libraries/APIs does Acorn use for accessing Credit Card Info and automatically making the use pay an unspecified amount? (IOs side)

Quick Info on Acorns: Acorn works by rounding up your purchases on linked credit or debit cards, then sweeping the change into a computer-managed investment portfolio I am trying to build an app…
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Paypal Payment Gateway Integration Issues in Android in Sandbox testing mode

I have started Paypal payment gateway integration in my android application. But the issue is - During Sandbox testing Paypal payment screen is showing but after fill the details(Paypal login credentials) to proceed further showing the 404 -…
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Is it possible to implement NFC payment in React Native?

As I understand, even if it is possible, it'll only work for android because apple had blocked their NFC chips for 3'rd party apps which don't use Apple Pay. I tried to use this package: However,…
1 answer

How to use list of elements for Stripe confirmCardPayment

As per Stripe Doc, payment_method.card accepts an object as value, which the documentation uses cardElement. stripe .confirmCardPayment('{PAYMENT_INTENT_CLIENT_SECRET}', { payment_method: { card, // Uses the mounted card element …
Quentin Veron
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Destination tag in RippleApi send transaction

How can I use the destination tag in the Rippleapi payment JSON string const payment = { source: { address: ADDRESS_1, maxAmount: { value: amount, currency: currency } }, destination: { address: ADDRESS_2, …
Hamid Jolany
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