Questions tagged [out-of-process]

In Microsoft COM technologies, out-of-process refers to COM servers implemented in such a way that they reside outside the process(es) that use them.

77 questions
1 answer

How to use an out-of-process COM server without its tlb file

It is about Window COM component. Server.exe: an 32bit out-of-process COM server CLSID_Application: The GUID of a COM object in Server.exe Client.exe: a 64bit client application which use Server.exe in a registry-free way. As we know, an exe can't…
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Does COM activation of LocalServer32 EXE from the same user account share an existing process or not?

I have a COM server LocalServer32 EXE started when a client application calls c_com_ptr::CreateInstance (using ATL wrappers.) On Windows 7, when a second client application running under the same user account also calls c_com_ptr::CreateInstance, a…
Jim Flood
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1 answer

COM out of process server starts multiple instances

How do you force a local COM server to run under a common account (local system would be good)? The RunAs documentation seems like its only for DCOM and doesnt work locally. The problem i face is that my CoCreateInstance is being called from…
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2 answers

Does marshaling a marshaled interface give me a marshaller to the proxy or the original interface?

Here is a concrete example: I create a IWeBrowser2 interface by calling wb.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetExplorer, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER);. This gives me a marshaled interface from my process into whichever of the running iexplore.exe processes happens…
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4 answers

COM Interop, client not finding interface in Out-of-process COM

I'm using Microsoft's CSExeCOMServer as a base for setting up a Out-of-process COM server, but it's not working properly. The server is 64 bit, and the client is 32 bit. Here's the sample interface [Guid(XXCryptService.InterfaceId),…
Atle S
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Out-of-process loading an ActiveX control from C#

I have a C# app that loads a component (And associated helper functions) from a 32-bit COM (ActiveX) DLL. This all works beautifully but my processing is pretty memory heavy (Especially when running on multi procesor machines) so I'd like to be able…
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3 answers

.NET out-of-process COM objects sharing static instances in API calls

It's hard to explain our situaction. We have a 3-tier application. The engine is a DLL coded in C++, then we have a VB6 ActiveX EXE that access to the engine via API calls, and at the top level we have a Excel Addin (in C# using VSTO framework)…
Oriol Terradas
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1 answer

Getting a 32-bit COM client to talk to a out-of-proc 64-bit server using Java/JaCoB

This question indicates that it is possible for a 32-bit COM client to talk to a 64-bit COM server (and vice-versa), provided the server is out-of-process. I'm trying to implement a client using the Java Com Bridge (JaCoB) library to talk to a…
Kevin K
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1 answer

Out of process video player on mac (vlcj)

I've been using VLCJ to embed a number of media players in the same window - on Windows and Linux this works fine, because they can be out of process (which they need to be to be stable - in short because of native libraries underneath there's no…
Michael Berry
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1 answer

View Objects in Session of a Running ASP.NET Application

I am trying to move my app to out-of-proc session state and can't find which session object is failing to serialize - the YSOD stack trace is unrevealing. Is it possible to view the objects, or at least the types of objects, currently stored in…
Mark Richman
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Is there anyway to start Out-of-Process DCOM server process as child of client process?

My application uses a third-party out-of-process DCOM component, for some reason i want to start dcom server as child of my process instead of child of svchost.exe, is it possbile via some COM configuration changes?
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COM Surrogate Server Timeout

I have a Win32/MFC application that depends on two separate STA COM DLL servers that I created many years ago using C++/ATL. These are large DLL servers with multiple interfaces and are also successfully used in other contexts and client programs.…
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1 answer

What privileges should a process have to activate out-out-process COM server

I have a 3rd-party out-of-process COM server and a client program which is trying to activate it. I've created two ones: on C# and on C++. When I start my client program (any of them) from VS2010 with Ctrl-F5 (which is started in elevated mode) the…
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.Net Core 2.2 application cannot find appsettings path when using "InProcess" hosting model on few developer machines

.Net Core 2.2 application cannot find appsettings path when using "InProcess" hosting model on one of my systems, it only works when hosting model is changed to "OutOfProcess", is there a reason why the same application requires different…
Shashi sk
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2 answers

How to determine the supported thread model of an out-of-process COM server?

Question: How to find the threading models supported by a predefined out-of-process (EXE-based) Server: Using oleview? Or any other valid methods? Note: Attempting to connect to the above described server to receive event notifications
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