Questions tagged [out-of-process]

In Microsoft COM technologies, out-of-process refers to COM servers implemented in such a way that they reside outside the process(es) that use them.

77 questions
0 answers

C++ Builder: out of process COM server

Probably I miss something very basic but I haven't found the solution on stack overflow / google / etc. I need to write a COM server in C++ Builder (XE7), 64bit if this makes any difference. As a first step, I can create an in-proc COM server, it…
2 answers

How to Get a Registration-Free COM Object Proxy in a Out-of-Process Client

I don't know if there is an API that makes this possible or if I would have to roll my own. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish. I have an application that connects to an NT service to start a session with another COM server. Application, the…
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Using RegServer or something similar without admin rights

I have a a program which includes a managed c++ out of process com server. Right now during the install it's registered with the /RegServer flag. This all works fine in its current implementation. What I would like to do is register this server in…
1 answer

SLAB, out-of-process: I cannot view the events when running semantic logging as service

I can save the logged events in the database (with custom database sink) when running the semantic logging as console, but I cannot do the same when running as service. What could be wrong here?
Ovidiu Caba
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2 answers

SLAB, out-of-process: changing the signature of an event source method causes incorrect event logging

I implemented an event source class for logging events. After repeatedly changing the signature (parameters names and parameters types) of one method that logs events, the events are no longer correctly logged. For instance when an event is logged,…
Ovidiu Caba
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0 answers

Wrong marshaling

I developed an out-of-proc server and trying to marshal input params, but it fails. My .idl file is: [ uuid(6a4791c0-f69f-4d78-a591-f549c90c0620), object, oleautomation ] interface IBrowserInterraction : IUnknown { HRESULT…
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ATL COM out-of-proc server in existing exe

I already have an existing code of my application. And i want to create a COM server, which will work inside that process. And this application process will be like a COM server. It is possible to realize using ATL? Maybe someone knows examples of…
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1 answer

C++ COM out-of-proc marshalling data through proxy\stub

I'm trying to create out-of-proc com server in some exe file and a client, which will access to functions through proxy\stub mechanism. I have my .idl file: [ object, uuid(eaa27f4f-ad6b-4a52-90f3-6028507751a1), dual, nonextensible, …
  • 251
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2 answers

Is there a way to decrease overhead associated with out-proc COM calls?

Our program consumes an out-proc COM server and makes thousands of calls on its interfaces. This takes very very long time - like a minute for about 50k calls. The COM component vendor says that the calls are very fast by themselves and that the…
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3 answers

Registry keys for out-of-process COM server

I'm in the process of implementing my first out-of-process COM server (my first COM server altogether, for that matter). I have followed the steps to write an IDL file, generate the code for the proxy/stub DLL, compile the DLL, and register it. When…
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2 answers

Adding a COM interface to an existing application (EXE)

I intend to add a COM interface to an existing application (which, by the way, is written in C++ using Win32). I have some experience using COM objects, so I know the basic COM concepts of interfaces, etc., but this is the first time I'm actually…
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3 answers

Access to c# object in outproc COM server from other process on same machine

I am trying to access C# objects from another process than the one where they reside via COM. The C# objects are exposed to COM. The problem is that when I call a method on those objects, the calls are executed loccally, not on the outproc COM…
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1 answer

Out-of-process COM singletons

I am dealing with a single-threaded library (not thread safe) that I want to wrap in a COM out-of-process object to get around its thread non-safety. I need a behavior where each new COM object is instantiated in its own process - some form of…
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2 answers

Calling a living object from one Process while running in another Process

Not really sure how to ask this question because I really don't know what I'm talking about. I have two DLLs (.NET), each is an AddIn that runs in two different application processes i.e. application one loads DLL one and application two loads DLL…
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1 answer

Identifying classes to be marked as Serializable for out-of-proc session

We are attempting to go out-of-proc for session state, and need to mark the classes we intend to store in session as Serializable, of course. Is there any way to automatically determine which classes should be marked as Serializable, without…
Mark Richman
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