Questions tagged [vlcj]

VLCJ is a Java binding for VLC engine (libVLC). It supersedes the old (and now dead) JVLC project.

Like VLC media player from, VLCJ, made by Mark Lee of Caprica Software, Inc., binds to the VLC engine (VLC libraries and plugins) that is native to a given OS platform via Java Native Access (JNA). For it to work, it requires at least Java 1.5. It is currently licensed under GPLv3.

VLCJ features everything VLC media player can do: transcoding, streaming and playback of a media in many formats of media containers and media codecs. It supports media input coming from a file, a media disc, a URL, a capture device or even the desktop! It also able to play from a playlist of media stored locally or remotely.

Currently, various major versions are released for VLCJ, depending on which VLC engine version it binds to. All versions works well under Windows and Linux but some versions are reported to work fine under MacOSX.

382 questions
3 answers

How to use 3rd party packages in Java

I'm developping my first Java application which actually needs a 3rd party package and now I'm lost as to how to actually use it. The packages I need are from VLCJ so that I can embed a media player in my GUI. Usually, I can just import packages and…
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5 answers

Adding other video codecs / DVD support to JavaFX 2.2

Update: Since the media side of JFX has been open sourced, I've looked into this myself and it is indeed possible, but requires changing and rebuilding the JFX source (both Java and C parts.) The process is described here for anyone that wants to…
Michael Berry
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1 answer

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when using Java 9 modules (JPMS)

I am trying to combine JavaFX, Spring Boot and VLCJ using JPMS modules. Without Spring Boot, things work fine with this in my file: module myapplication.module { requires javafx.controls; requires javafx.fxml; requires…
Wim Deblauwe
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1 answer

VLCJ without installing VLC

I'd like to ship a self-contained java app using vlcj and read the SAQs ( which suggested this was possible if one ships all of the shared objects or DLL's for libvlc and the vlc plugins needed. Could someone…
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3 answers

Embedding VLCJ in JPanel

I have read this SO thread and when I have tried to use the code with some changes, I'm getting just a black window, can some one tell me what I'm doing wrong here, I have just one class with main function : import java.awt.Color; import…
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2 answers

How to reduce delay in playing rtsp live video stream in java using vlcj

I have developed a video chatting application,but the video is displayed with high is streamed over to reduce the delay in playing the rtsp stream?
Raji A C
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1 answer

motion detection VLCj

I am writing a webcam recording application using VLCj API. I need some help regarding motion detection in the video stream from the webcam. If there is no motion detected in the video stream, then recording shall stop. I have tried to use the…
iltaf khalid
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5 answers

Launch VLC Player through Java

I want to launch my VLC player through a Java program, can any one help me? Thanks in advance.
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4 answers

which is better? JMF or VLCJ. especially for streaming youtube videos

I am an average java developer and i am trying to come up with a browser that is developed entirely in java. I want that my browser must be able to play youtube videos, and for that i was planning to use JMF. Here are my questions: 1) can JMF be…
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how to control VLC by java

I want to run a program called VLC in java and control it while running, for example if user clicked on ❚❚ or ►► button, I do a specific suitable action. I run VLC by this code : try { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p =…
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4 answers

VLCJ not working on Mac - plugin libvlccore.5.dylib

I am trying to get VLCJ working on Mac and PC. It works fine under Windows 7 (64bit) but when I try to run it on my Mac it crashes. I am pointing to the correct directory for the VLC dylib files but I get an "...quit unexpectedly while using the…
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3 answers

vlcj:: Unable to load library 'libvlc' in 64bit OS

I am using 64 bit OS Windows 7 and i have 32 bit VLC versioned 1.1.8. I have added these libraries jna.jar platform.jar vlcj- I am not able to stream using jVlc public class HelloVLC { /** * @param args * @throws IOException …
sonu thomas
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2 answers

Transparent JPanel over Canvas (VLCJ)

I know that a similar question was posted before, but there was no answer or example code. I need a transparent JPanel on top of a canvas. The code posted below is not working import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Canvas; import…
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2 answers

Playing live http stream in vlcj

I'm trying to use vlcj to play live internet radio stations in a project. I've played around with some sample programs for a few hours, but I cannot get either the sample programs or programs that I've played around with to play the stream from the…
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1 answer

Java live video capturing/streaming

Is there any idea how to implement a java programm that captures video/audio from a webcam /microphone and stream it to multiple clients. I know about JMF but it is quite old and not well document or supported.
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