Questions tagged [out-of-process]

In Microsoft COM technologies, out-of-process refers to COM servers implemented in such a way that they reside outside the process(es) that use them.

77 questions
1 answer

Changes in registry keys after adding a new interface and a componet to out-of-proc COM server

I am going through a code that has a exe having a COM server(a COM class implemented in ATL). It has a .idl file having all interfaces defined. Now after registration of the COM server, i went through the registry entries and i could find the…
1 answer

ASPNET out-of-proc session is mysteriously reset

I'm facing a very peculiar issue with sessions being reset without any apparent reason. This happens randomly, once every few tens or hundreds of requests. My web application is running on windows 2003, IIS 6.0, .NET 1.1. The application has a…
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