Questions tagged [out-of-process]

In Microsoft COM technologies, out-of-process refers to COM servers implemented in such a way that they reside outside the process(es) that use them.

77 questions
0 answers

Stuck at initiallizing COM out-of-process object in C#

I need to embed a out-of-prcess COM execution in my C# application. The COM execution is written in C++/ATL. Sometimes my COM create process will not start, so I manage to use a timeout to interrupt it. My COM object initializing process: using…
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Invoking .NET GUI from an ATL exe server (COM)

We have the following situation: An ATL COM server (out-of-proc, EXE) which hosts COM objects with connection points. These objects "live inside" a single (exe) process and they fire events (using the Fire_* methods) so that other processes (for…
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2 answers

simplest Server-Client architecture between two programs

I want to write two simple C# programs that pass values back and forth, but the two programs will reside on two separate computers connected with an Ethernet cable. What's best architecture to achieve this with? Out-of-process COM components? DLL…
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How do I make my WPF application as activex (out of process)

I have a wpf application. I want to make this a activex com component (Out of process), so that from other applications like Excel, VB, etc.. I can call my WPF application as activeX com. How do I make my wpf application as activeX?
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.Net Serviced Component with Event Handling

I'm trying to make an out of process .Net DLL; using the sample code, I'm able to make an out of process COM DLL. However, I'm facing some issues while implementing event handling. As per code, following event is exposed by the component: Public…
Azaz ul Haq
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Out of Process COM Server and Event Handling

As I'm working on making an out of process VB COM Server to use it in a client VB application, and bring stability to the application. The following link of sample code from MSDN helped me in the making of VB COM server, and I successfully exposed…
Azaz ul Haq
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2 answers

The schema of EventEntry was not updated using out-of-process semantic logging

I write a custom EventSource class and add a method for log as below: [EventSource(Name = "MyCompany")] public class MyCompanyEventSource : EventSource { [Event(6, Message = "test.", Keywords = Keywords.Perf, Level =…
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1 answer

Windows Runtime (WP 8) out of process component and raising / subscription events

I've made out-of-process WR/WP8 component with own background thread. It handles SIP stack internally and runs in background thread. It is modified code from ChatterBox MSDN…
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How to detect if my Delphi application has been started by Windows as an out of process COM Server?

I am working on a Delphi application which may be started either - directly, as a desktop application, by running the application (e.g. by clicking the executable in the explorer) or - indirectly, as an out of process server, by creating any of the…
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Reference another VB.NET exe that has COM visible TRUE

I would like to mimic the behaviour of a VB6-Active-X-Exe. To do that, I have created a new project and set its settings to "COM Visible=True". I can now add this .exe to my main application, and I can call it, call functions in that .exe,…
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How to run DCOM server as logged user?

I have the following situation: my application, a service, instantiates a DCOM server (exe) using CoInitialize and CreateInstance in order to get its interface pointer, it is working fine on XP but since this server creates a GUI it doesn't work on…
0 answers

CoCreateInstance returns E_NOINTERFACE from COM service (service restart fixes it)

Once in a while, a COM service that I've implemented will get into a state where my C++ client application will start failing to create the COM object due to an E_NOINTERFACE error. The client application is a one-time run (non-persistent) .exe that…
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2 answers

WM_PAINT and non finished COM calls (ATL OOP Server "Deadlock")

We have developed an STA ATL COM OOP Server and all works fine, almost. We are facing a problem: As the COM client internally gets the result of any COM call through a windows message the WM_PAINT message (or any other message i guess) can be…
1 answer

Call method from out-of-process COM component using PHP on Azure

I've written a simple PHP script which instantiates a COM object for an out-of-process (i.e. exe file) COM component and uses it to call a COM method that the component exposes. This COM method very simply quadruples the number passed as the first…
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1 answer

VB.NET exe that talks to out-of-process COM on activate event bombs when external script AppActivates it

I wrote a VB.NET Windows Forms app that requests a string from an out-of-process COM object every time the activate event fires. My form has two tabs, so I need to programmatically flip to the correct tab every time my window gains focus. Works…
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