Questions tagged [optimizely]

Optimizely provides A/B testing, Multivariate Testing and optimizations for websites and mobile apps via software as a service

Optimizely is a feature management and experimentation platform that provides feature flags, A/B testing, multivariate testing, recommendations, and personalization. It includes a reporting interface that provides results and statistical significance powered by Stats Engine, built in conjunction with Stanford University.

Marketing teams can use Optimizely's visual editor to run A/B tests without having to deploy code. This functionality can be extended by adding custom CSS and JavaScript and building reusable templates called Extensions.

Product teams can use Optimizely's Full Stack solution to run experiments across any application and control feature releases with feature flags using Optimizely's server-side, JavaScript, mobile, and OTT SDKs. Make every feature on your roadmap an opportunity to learn.

Development teams can use Optimizely's free Rollouts solution to put code behind feature flags to easily roll out and roll back features in any application without additional code deploys using the same SDKs as Optimizely FullStack. Mitigate risk for every feature on your roadmap.


93 questions
1 answer

Defining scope in optimizely

I am reading through some of the docs for optimizely and saw an interesting value that they add to scope. I am not sure that I fully understand it. Here is the function in their docs function(activate, options) { var scope =…
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optimizely and access to pseudoelements style properties

I am about create A/B test in optimizely that involve a change in a pseudoelement (:after :before). What I can do to change a pseudoelement style inside optimizely (let said color).
Raúl Martín
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1 answer

Optimizely Code Blocks not working in Development Mode

I have added Optimizely code blocks to my app to test a new feature on a percentage of the audience. When the device is connected to the Optimizely website I am able to change the blocks. However when the app is not connected to the website, even…
Tom Coomer
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2 answers

Convert Optimizely jQuery Object to String

Getting an [object Object] error on linkOne within $related. I tried using JSON.stringify(), but that didn't seem to work. Below is the code thusfar: var $secondParagraph = $('.entry-content > p:eq(1)'); var linkOneLink = $(".pagealignleft >…
Ao C
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1 answer

Optimizely fadeIn and fadeOut

Looking for help on an issue, and would appreciate any useful input. I'd like to make the socialBox fade in once it hits #first then fade out if the socialBox goes before #first or after .relevancy-widget. I'm not sure what I'm writing wrong that…
Ao C
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4 answers

Increase font size with jquery

I'm attempting to run a split test with Optimizely and need to increase the size of the font that is used as description text in my site search's search field. I've managed to change the color using this…
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1 answer

Hiding an appended div in Optimizely

In following piece of code, I'm unable to hide the appended div before the user reaches the last paragraph. The div is showing right on pageload, and I'd like to have it show only when the user reaches the "last" ID. $('body').append('
Ao C
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0 answers

Loading Google Maps Geolocation asynchronously not working

We have created a weather widget which uses Google Maps Geolocation, Geocomplete, and SimpleWeather. A working version of the widget can be seen here. Everything works as it should in this environment. However, we need to implement this widget into…
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1 answer

When to use startOptimizelyAsync() method from Optimizely Android SDK

The Android SDK for Optimizely includes the method Optimizely.startOptimizelyAsnyc() However, the only documentation for it exists here and is quite lacking. I can't find any other documentation or mention of it on the web. I would like to use…
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1 answer

UnicodeDecodeError on Localhost with Django and Optimizely

I'm trying to test my experiments locally before pushing to the live version of the site, so my experiment is targeted to: localhost:8000/ (simple match) The experiment preview however doesn't load. If I point to the live version of the site it…
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1 answer

Optimizely: measure page impressions

I want to include a new link block on my pages. But before I activate it I want to test if it makes sense. So following Optimizelys Article on Pageview goals I set up a test to measure page view conversions. But obiously I am doing it wrong. As a…
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1 answer

How to change variable in on variation page in Optimizely

I'm trying to load a new design template into optimizely. The CMS stores the new templates in alternate URLs. The files are loaded in the section of the page. The original templates are loaded as follows: var name1 = /url1/ var name2 = /url2/ And…
Tom Enns
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1 answer

Optimizely - How to access the variation name

I am trying to create a goal in optimizly. I have a product page product.php where someone selects a product via a radio button. That POSTS the data to the cart page. There are 3 variations plus the original one so 4 variations in total. The data is…
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1 answer

A/B test search results sorting option

I have a search results page with different types of sorting available for user to choose via drop down control. I need to test variation of one of the sorting options, let's say Relevance (variation B has different algorithm of relevance definition…
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1 answer

How can I get the active experiment/variant name in optimizely?

I try to integrate Optimizely with AngularJS and I want to show different templates based on what variation is running. I would add a constant function to the Angular app, that would check if a variant/variants are active. sth like function…
Barney Szabolcs
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